Wow it's Pink ;-;

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The team was assembled on the bridge, an eerie silence filling the room. 

"How did he just disappear like that" yelled Allura in frustration. 

A beeping bought their attention to the screen. 

"Is that the RED LION?" Hunk gasped looking at the approaching red dot. 

Just then the screen changes showing a Galra male and a wolf. 

"Uh hello? My name is Keith and well my lion decided to fly here" Keith said in a way of explaining.

"Straight to the point I guess" Pidge laughed. 

The team ended the commission and walked to the red lions bunker waiting on the arrival of this stranger.

With a powerful roar, the Red Lion gracefully touched down, its landing gear absorbing the impact seamlessly. 

As the beast crouched, its massive jaw slowly opened.

Emerging with a confident stride, a majestic wolf padded forward, its fur a mix of midnight black and silvery gray.

Following closely behind was the imposing figure of the Galra male, the very one they had encountered during the commission.

Although the blue armoured male he had over his shoulder caught their attention. 

"LANCE!" Allura raced forwards and pulled him into her arms. 

"Who are you and what did you do to my brother" she snarled.

"My name is Keith, and I found him in my cockpit after Red saved me" Keith explained looking down Lance.

 Shiro gently scooped Lance into his arms, cradling to his chest as he rushed out of the room the others following.

The dim lights of the castle cast long shadows as they moved. Finally, Shiro arrived at the healing bay, his focus unwavering as he placed Lance into the waiting pod.

"How long until he's ok?" Keith asked conceded. 

"A few varga" Coran replied. 

(The team introduced themselves whilst following Shiro)

"You didn't by chance see a Blue Lion did you?" Pidge asked Keith whilst gently peting Kosmo. 

Keith shook his head. 

"Tell us what happened, start from when you found Red" Shiro ordered. 

And so Keith explained everything.

Him saving Red, how the Galra held Kosmo hostage so he would remain loyal in a sense all the way till Red saved him and he found Lance. 


Coran looked at the boys statis whilest the others spoke. 

Alteans always had large amounts of quintessance through out their bodies, this is because their species shared an intence bond with all living things. 

Lances was unreasonabiliy high. 

Alfors words played through his mind then. 

'one of the six lions refused to be tied to Allura and her quintessence

At the time Coran didn't understand what his best friend was trying to tell him. Now he had a pretty good idea. 

Coran sighed, his shoulders slumping as he adjusted the controls on the holographic display.

With a heavy heart, he altered the values to create the illusion of normalcy.

The weight of his duty to his king pressed upon him, compelling him to conceal the truth even from his own family.

As the display flickered and settled into the revised appearance, Coran couldn't shake the internal conflict gnawing at him.

Respect for King Alfor's wishes, no matter how difficult, was ingrained in Coran's sense of loyalty.

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