The 5th

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"Guy's I have put some of the devices on your lions so we can each head out and search." Pidge reported walking into the lounge room where the other pladians sat with Allura and Coran.

"Before we head out you guys need to bond with the lions more." Coran stated with a nod of support from Allura.

"Talking about bonding. Lance how do you already have such a strong connection with Blue?" Shiro asked.

Allura and Coran look at each other grinning.

"Not this story again.." Lance groaned burying his head in his palms. 

"On Lances 10th birthday the perivous pladians of Voltron preformed an air parade as a gift to Lance" Coran stopped smiling fondly at the memory.

"Father made it so our family could hear the pilots talking to each other." Allura laughed before contiuning.

"So when the blue lion broke formation and flew towards us we all heard him getting yelled at" Allura wiped away a stray tear that rolled down her face from her laughter.

"Then the blue pladian replies 'Well it's not my fault blue decided something else was more intresting'" Coran giggled even Lance snorted at the memory.

"We where very surprised when the blue lion landed infront of Lance. Even more surprised when she allowed him to enter and sit with her pladian" Allura smiled.

"I remeber the pilots picking on the blue pladian saying 'Look at that Blue is already replacing you'" Lance smiled softly. 

"So you already had a connection" Hunk asked drawing a nod from the boy.

"Always had, I don't really know how though" He scratched his head. 

"Well come on bonding time" Shiro announced and folled Coran from the room.


"What your saying is we have to go into a nose dive and pull up before we hit the ground" Pidge repeated. 

"That is correct oh wait" Coran stated from the comms. 

Our visors turned black. 

"You will be blind!!!" Coran yelled gleefully.

"Wait Wha-" Humk began


Lance manovered Blue into a nose dive and closed his eyes. He could feel a cool feeling settle and move through his head before the outside world met his eyes. 

A rumbling purr vibrated through his mind as Lance sped up pulling from the dive and racing through the canyon with presition.

They repeated the drill over and over until the pilots headed out to search. 

"Thank god we aren't doing that anymore" The team huffed as they flew through the galaxy scanning for the red lions frequancy. 

Suddenly the controls pulled away from Lance and Blue turned them in a different direction. 

"Uhh Lance where are you going?" Pidge asked watching the Blue lion veer away from them. 

"This is all Blue not me." Lance answered confused. 

"Ok lets follow him" Shiro stated beginning to turn the black lion towards him. 

"Guys, I can't turn my lion to follow" Hunk said

"Same," Pidge replied.

"Well good luck Lance cause I cant follow you either" Shiro said annoyed. 

"It's ok we will follow him" Allura said turning the castle in her brothers direction, only to have the other lions stop it.

Threw My Eyes (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now