Stopping the LIES

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Keith took a deep breath, his mind heavy with the burden of Lance's pain after leaving him with Red.

"This planet's atmosphere is where Red saved him after the Blue Lion died. Lance kept it to himself, not wanting to burden any of us with the news, especially when we were so far from home. And then, when we arrived at a planet he recognized, the one where the Blue Lion had been lost, it triggered everything for him," Keith explained, his eyes reflecting the weight of the situation.

Confused glances were exchanged among the team, struggling to comprehend why Lance would keep such a devastating secret.

"He didn't want us to be worried," Keith continued, his tone somber. "The lions knew and helped him, but he's been trying to process it on his own. It's been tearing him apart."

Allura's expression softened with understanding. "So, he's been carrying this alone all this time?"

Keith nodded solemnly. "Yes. But now that we know, we need to support him, help him through this. Losing a lion is like losing a part of yourself. Lance needs us more than ever."

Silence settled over the room as the team absorbed the shocking revelation. Pidge finally spoke up, her voice small, "We should have been there for him."

"He didn't want us to be," Keith replied, his gaze unwavering. "But now that we know, we need to be there for him. No one should bear such a burden alone, especially not one of our own."

Lance wiped a stray tear as he entered the room "That's not all entirely true. I haven't told you everything."

The room fell into a weighted silence, all eyes on Lance, silently encouraging him to share more.

Kosmo, ever loyal, walked over and sat beside Lance, offering silent support.

Wiping his eyes, Lance placed his hand on Kosmo's head and drew himself tall, adopting the regal posture of a lion.

"I'm the Blue Lion now," he said, holding up his hand. "That's why I have these lion traits."

Confusion rippled through the team. Pidge spoke up, "Well, since you were inside the lion when it died, stray parts of her life force merged with you."

"Any other thoughts?" Lance asked

Lance sighed, looking out at the planet ahead as he continued, revealing a conversation the Lions had with him in his head.

"Many years ago, Blue saved mother. In a previous battle, Blue's life force was wounded, and she was dying. Red told Alfor, and that's why the Pink Lion was created, to take Blue's spot in Voltron's physical form."

Allura, still puzzled, asked, "What does this have to do with you?"

"When Blue saved mom, they made a deal. As a thank you for saving her, mom allowed Blue to share half of her power with her unborn child."

Allura gasped in realization, "Which was you..."

Lance nodded. "This ensured that when Blue died, the rest of her power would flow into me, allowing Voltron to still be formed."

Hunk chimed in, "So when Voltron was energy-depleted, that's how you transferred your energy."

Lance's smile softened, focused on the team once more. Yellows words filling his head

"Yes Voltron is still strong with Pink, YOU are still apart of us" Yellow smiled. 

Shiro, astonished, added, "So you're not just the Blue Paladin. You're a part of Voltron itself."

Lance nodded, the weight of his revelation lifting slightly as the team began to grasp the true depth of his connection to the Blue Lion and Voltron as a whole.

"So you have all of Blues powers?" Coran asked and in responce Lance dropped the temprature in the room before restoring it.

"We will take that as a yes" Hunk muttered. 

"Allura do you remeber telling Keith I was a true Altean?" Lance spoke to his sister.

She nodded.

"I'm part Altean and Part Lion" Lance smiled flicking his tail. 

He returned his gaze to the planet. "If we need to go there it's ok."

Allura nodded softly. 

"Lance you weren't the only one hiding somthing." Coran sighed.

"Before I got into the sleeping pod Alfor explained this in a very broad sence that I did not understand at the time. But he left you a message for me to pass on he said always trust your gut." 

Coran paused

"I also ultered your quintessance reading when you where in the healing pod I-I just" Coran stuttered

Lance stared at him before smiling and nodding. "It's ok Coran."

"Take us down Allura" Lance ordered before looking down at Kosmo.

"Sorry for yelling at you buddy" Kosmo licked him. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter and how I repeated things but I needed to so the TEAM knew ya know. Klance more in the rest from here!!!

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