Always remeber me

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The battlefield, once filled with the clash of titans and the echoes of battle cries, now lay silent under the weight of grief and loss.

Keith's heart felt like it had been torn apart, the pain of losing Lance, his mate, his love, cutting deeper than any blade.

Allura, who had lost not just a teammate but also her brother, held Keith tightly, her own tears mingling with his.

She understood the depth of his sorrow, the ache of losing someone who had become an integral part of their lives.

"Lance... he was..." Keith's voice choked on the words, unable to fully express the myriad of emotions coursing through him.

"He was brave, Keith. He was a hero in every sense," Allura whispered, her voice carrying the weight of their shared loss.

Shiro approached them, his usually composed demeanor showing cracks of grief. "We owe everything to Lance. He gave his all for us, for the universe."

The rest of the team gathered around, their expressions a mix of sadness and reverence.

Pidge, usually the voice of optimism, struggled to hold back tears.

Hunk, the gentle giant, placed a comforting hand on Keith's back, offering silent support.

"He always believed in us, even when we doubted ourselves," Hunk's voice trembled with emotion.

"He made us laugh, he made us believe in the impossible," Pidge added, her voice wavering with suppressed sorrow.

As Keith knelt on the ground, his tears falling freely, memories of Lance flooded his mind.

The first time they met, the banter and laughter that had turned into something deeper, the moments of shared silence that spoke volumes about their bond.

"He was my mate... my soulmate," Keith whispered, the words carrying a weight of longing and loss.

Allura knelt beside him, her own tears staining her cheeks. "He was my brother, Keith. And he loved you more than anything."

The realization hit Keith like a physical blow.

Lance had loved him with a depth and intensity that transcended words.

Their bond, forged through trials and separation, had been unbreakable until the very end.

"We have to keep going, for Lance," Shiro's voice broke through the sorrow, his eyes reflecting determination amidst the grief.

Keith nodded, his resolve hardening. "We'll honor his sacrifice. We'll finish what he started."

The team stood together, united in their grief yet strengthened by their shared purpose.

Lance's legacy lived on in their hearts, a guiding light in the darkness of loss.

Days turned into weeks, and the wounds of battle began to heal, but the ache of losing Lance remained a constant presence.

Keith found solace in training, in pushing himself to new limits, knowing that it was what Lance would have wanted.

Allura took on the mantle of leadership with grace and strength, honoring Lance's memory in every decision she made, and Romelle took over as Alpha in his stead.

The team, though scarred by loss, grew stronger in their unity and determination.

One day, as Keith stood at the edge of the training grounds, gazing at the stars that had witnessed their battles and triumphs, he felt a familiar presence.

"Lance..." Keith whispered, his heart skipping a beat.

A shimmering figure appeared before him, a smile on his face that lit up the darkness.

 It was Lance, his essence anywho.

"I'm here, Keith. I'll always be with you," Lance's voice was a gentle breeze, carrying warmth and reassurance.

Keith reached out, his hand trembling as it passed through the ethereal form of his mate. 

But he felt a connection, a bond that transcended physicality.

"I miss you, Lance," Keith's voice cracked with emotion.

"I miss you too, but I'm not gone. I will be back," Lance's words were a soothing balm to Keith's wounded soul.

Even though Keith knew this was just his own illsution his mind had created he still belived and hung onto the words of his mate. 

"You better be" Keith wiped away a tear as he watched Lance diapate once more..


The five remaining lions of voltron sat in a circle looking at each other is confusion.

"If Lance is dead should we be too?" Yellow asked confused.

Black and Red looked up at the same time in surprise both releasing what was happening.

"He's not dead...."


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