Through the eyes of Voltron

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Keith POV

3 years ago on this exect day was the last time Keith saw his mate. 

On this day, as Keith sat in quiet contemplation, his mind wandered back to their last embrace, their whispered promise of each others saftey, and the tender moments they shared.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the familiar warmth of Lance's presence in his mind, the comforting reassurance that they were still connected in ways that transcended time and space.

"Hey, love," Keith murmured softly, his voice carrying across the bond that bound them together.

 "It's been three years since I held you in my arms, but not a moment goes by without thinking of you."

A gentle wave of warmth and affection washed over Keith, a silent response from Lance that spoke volumes more than words ever could.

Despite the ache of separation, their bond remained a source of solace and strength, a constant reminder that they were never truly alone.

"I miss you, Lance," Keith confessed, his heart heavy with longing.

"But I know that our love will endure, no matter the distance. Until the day we're reunited, I'll carry your love with me, always."

"You better " Lance teased.

"Keith please report to the bridge" Alluras voice spoke over the castle interupting Keiths quiet convo. 

"Sorry Babe I have to go" Keith told Lance.

"Have funnn"

Keith was still laughing when he walked into the bridge. 

"How's my brother?" Allura asked taking in Keiths laughter.

"He's good"

Allura nodded turning back to the screen where both the leader of the Blade and Rebel forces where projected. 

"Morning" Keith waved before taking his seat. 

Both nodded. 

"Now that we are all here what was so urgent Kolivan" Shiro asked Adam standing by his side.

"We have tracked large Glara troop movements that coordinate with" Matt spoke even though he wasn't addressed and waited of Kolivan to speak. 

"Coordinated with the attacks on the blades bases, so far we have lost 15 meaning we have a spy in our ranks" Kolivan finished.

Keith frowned

"What evdience points to a traitor" Hunk asked

"Everything we plan the Galra are ready for-" Kolvian was inturpted 

"So it could be a tapped com" Pidge stated.

"No my techs have already checked-"

"Your techs wouldnt have picked it up if it was on a different frequency" Pidge stated.

"Like the robots Pidge built to find the Red lion" Hunk attempted to translate for the others. 

Pidge typed quickly into her keyboard. 

"Ok Kolivan give me accsess" Pidge stated not looking away from her screen.

Kolvian nodded.

After a while of Pidge typing like crazy he smirked "I was right".

Kolivan frowned "You found them'

Pidge nodded before freezing. 

"Guys this is one of Lotors things not Zarkon"

"Quiznack" Coran stated as a fact. One that everyone agreeded with.

"So now we have Lotor and Zarkon, two seprate enemys forces" Matt spoke aloud. 

Romelle grinned and stepped forwards to the control board typing a few things before another face appeared on the screen. 

"Hello everyone" Lance smiled.

Keith stared into the ocean eyes that he only saw in dreams for the past three years the pale blue eyes scales beneith. Taking in the slightly darker tan of Lances skin and the more muscular his shoulders have become. These small changes was all Keith could see nothing else seemed different. 

Other then the room he was in, which was filled with computers and other mechines.

Lance has been very busy Keith thought taking in his mates back ground before returning his gaze to to the face he has longed to see in the flesh. 


After everyone had caught up with Lance, he was filled in on the current situation and the others prior. 

Lance thought for a second as everyone sill ran through posible motives for Lotors sudden appearence in the battle. 

"Lotor is Zarkons son correct?" Lance asked for confirmation.

"Yes he is although as fair as we are aware neither has spoken in quite some time" Adam updated Lance.

"Well maybe you need to spent more time looking into that information." 

"Why is that" Allura asked.

"Cause we have information stating the exact opposite" Lance said seriously.

"Information stating that Zarkon and Lotor are working together.".

This was met with silence,

"Your information is wrong Lance, cause Lotor is attacking Zarkons forces just like ours." Matt interjected.

"Or is that what they want you to think?" Lance asked being answered by silence once more.

"But the reports on the Galra's movement-" Matt started

"Send them to me" Lance said.

Everyone was quiet was Lance scanned the documents.

"Look at this" Lance had the documents projected forthe others to see.

"Their is a regular patten where some ships go dark for a period see them" LAnce said highlighting the infro.

"What does that have to do with-" Allura began 

"Now look at this" Lance shared another page of data beside the other one.

"I have had my scouts watching Lotor, this is the movment report I recived two days ago. Look the amount of ships that go dark are exactly the same as Lotors" Lance pointed to the data. 

"But what would that allow them to do" Coran asked confused.

"Thats what you need to find out" Lance smiled. "My shifters can only do so much"

Kolivan nodded "Oh and Lance I have been meaning to reach out somehow but I have some bad news"

"I know Jordans dead Kolivan" Lance interupted. "I have already had Ricky and Noah give me reports on the situation. Which you know."

Kolivan nodded "I know this you are correct, but we now have reason to believe that he was targeted"

Lance stilled "Answer me honestly Kolivan and Matt, do you have a sold belief that my shifters are being targeted or this is just a passing thought"

Romelle and Adam both wore shocked faces and the other members of volton wore horrified expressions. 

"A sold belief" Both answered. 

Lance snarled his ears and tail apprearing from the anger coursing through him. 

"Im sorry Allura but I'm calling them home" Lance said with a tone that suggested arguing would be pointless. 

Allura nodded. "I get it Lance".

"I need to go call me later" Lance said looking at Keith "Sorry Mullet talk later" he said through the mate bond drawing a nod from Keith.



My boy Lance has the brains in this...

Very proud righ now. 

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