My lion

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Lance was currently on the bridge after he explained some of what the lions told him the team quietened.

Leaving out the part where his is the Blue Lion now and has a part in voltron also that Blue was dead.

He sat down in his old spot and sighed closing his eyes.

A weird prickley feeling filled his body and his lion traits vanished. 

"Well that's handy" he murmered before falling asleep.


Allura looked at her sleeping brother and gestured for the team to follow her as she left. 

"We need to keep an eye on Lance" Allura started after they entered the lounge area.

"I agree, the power Lance could have now will only put a target on his back" Shiro said.

"He should train with his lion side" Keith said suddenly. 

Hunk nodded, "It might keep him out of his head too. I mean the boy just found out he is part lion" 

"Then it's decided"

"What's decided" Lance yawned walking into the room. 

Allura smiled "You have a date with the training room"


Lance sat down and focused on trying to draw his feline features out. 

"I can't do it" He complained rolling back.

He had been at it for hours and no sigh had shown that it was working.

"Maybe Black will know?" Lance said walking out of the room. 

The team followed talking along the way. 

"Hey Blackkkkk" Lance yelled walking into the lions bunker.

"How can I help cub?" It asked 

"How do I draw out my lion?"

"To be honest Lance you would have to ask Red" Black replied 

Lance shrugged said his thank yous and walked to the Red lions bunker. 

"Heyyy Red" Lance said walking into the lions bunker.

"I heard from Black, come on" Red bent down and opened his mouth allowing Lance to climb inside.

Keith followed and sat in the pilot chair. 

"Who invited you Mullet" Lance sassed looking the the Red pladian. 

"My lion did" he answered as Red flew out into space. 

The lion suddenly stopped a short way away from the castle the other lions flying out too. 

Suddenly Lance was ejected into space. 

Without his helmet. 

"Your fine dumbass breath" the Red lion lion huffed watching the blue paladin struggle Infront of him.

Lance took a breath after realising he could. 

"Why am I out here?" 

"In order for you too call the lion in you, you have to understand that you are no Altean. Just like how Keith isn't human

"What do you mean" Lance asked from where he floated.

"You are part altean yes. But you are also part lion, thanks to Blue."

"Ok, so next question why is Keith here?" Lance asked floating back into pinks leg. 

"Oof "

"Hehe" Pink chuckled.

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