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Lance gazed up at the Castle of Lions, its towering spires reaching towards the sky.

The familiar sight brought a mixture of emotions to the surface, a reminder of the memories the team had shared within those walls.

 As he stood on the alien planet, surrounded by his team and the vastness of space, Lance couldn't help but feel a profound connection to the place that had become their home away from home.

"Ok lets get started everyone stay together weird animals live here" Coran yelled. 

"If weird animals live here why are you yelling" Pidge asked

Coran chose to ignore the smallest pladian and walked into the forest beyond.

Lance's instincts kicked in as an unsettling feeling settled over him.

The rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of the forest seemed to echo with an unspoken warning.

He kept his ears trained on the surrounding brush, focusing intently on every noise, trying to discern any potential threat.

The air carried a distinct foreign scent, setting Lance on edge. 

It was as if the very essence of the forest rejected his presence. 

The trees loomed overhead, their ancient branches casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance with an unknown energy.

A shiver ran down Lance's spine as he continued forward, navigating the dense foliage. 

His senses remained heightened, and he couldn't shake the feeling that the very heart of the forest was watching, scrutinizing his every move. 

Despite the lush beauty surrounding him, Lance couldn't shake the notion that he was an unwelcome visitor in these mysterious woods.

 Lance reached out to Kosmo in his mind, establishing a connection similar to what he had done with the Black Lion although the more of Blues powers Lance got the pride bond got stronger.

The psychic link between them intensified, and he could feel Kosmo's own unease echoing back.

"Lance," Kosmo's voice resonated in his mind, a mix of concern and alertness.

"Yeah, buddy" Lance responded mentally, his thoughts projecting a sense of caution.

"Something's not right about this place. I take it feel it too?"

A low growl reverberated through their connection, affirming Kosmo's shared sense of discomfort. 

The telepathic link allowed them to communicate without words, and in this moment, it became a crucial tool in navigating the mysterious and unsettling atmosphere of the alien forest.

As they moved forward with the rest of the crew, Lance and Kosmo remained vigilant, their bond serving as a silent reassurance in the face of the unknown. 

The forest's secrets seemed to whisper through the trees, leaving both Paladin and wolf on high alert, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Stop" Lance suddenly said walking towards the front of the group his ears pitched forwards. 

The imposing figure of the bear advanced with a menacing snarl, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly malice. 

Despite its physical resemblance to a black bear from Earth, there was an unmistakable aura of dark power emanating from it. 

The air seemed to thicken with an unsettling energy as the creature continued to approach.

Its fur, the glossy black of a typical black bear, now bore an eerie sheen, reflecting an unsettling combination of shadows and malevolence. 

The forest around it seemed to shudder in response, leaves rustling with an uneasy whisper as the creature moved.

As the bear drew nearer, the malishis power it exuded became palpable, affecting the very essence of the environment. 

The air felt heavy, charged with a dark energy that sent a chill down the spine of any onlooker. 

It was clear that this was no ordinary bear, and its origins were intertwined with forces beyond the natural realm.

The surroundings, once serene and familiar, now took on an ominous tone as the bear continued its advance. 

Threw My Eyes (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now