Epliloge 2

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Lance looked around the fimilar white space around him. 

"Hello Alia dimidium"

Lance spun and saw the outline of his lion form ahead of him. 

"BLUE!" He shouted happyness filling him. 

"At least I know i'm not alone now that I'm dead" Lance smiled sadly.

"Your not dead"

Lance froze "What?"

"Your not dead,"

"H-how" He stuttered looking at the lion infront of him.

"What happens when a Lion of voltron uses all of its quintessance" Blue asked.

Lance blinked, trying to process the revelation. "So... this is my body recharging? I'm not dead?"

Blue's ethereal form shimmered with a gentle glow. "Yes, Lance. When a Lion of Voltron expends all of its quintessence, it enters a state of deep rejuvenation. Your essence is intertwined with mine, keeping you connected to the physical world."

A wave of relief washed over Lance, replacing the initial shock. "I thought I had lost everything... my friends, my Pride. But I'm still here, aren't I?"

"You are," Blue affirmed, her voice resonating with warmth and reassurance. "Your sacrifice saved countless lives and replenished the quintessence of Voltron. Your legacy lives on, and your journey is far from over."

Lance's gaze softened as he looked at the familiar features of the Blue Lion. "Thank you, Blue. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You are a part of Voltron, Lance," Blue reminded him.

"And Voltron never gives up. Your path may be different now, but you have a purpose that transcends time and space."

As the realization sank in, Lance felt a renewed sense of determination. "I may be in this white void for now, but I'll find my way back. My Pride needs me, and I won't let them down."

Blue's form glowed brighter, a silent affirmation of his resolve. "You carry the strength of Voltron within you, Lance. Trust in that, and you will find your way."

Threw My Eyes (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now