Gut Instinct

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Allura turned her attention from the holographic communication with the leaders of the Blade and Rebel forces as Lance entered the bridge. Her expression brightened with a warm smile.

"Morning, Lance," she greeted.

"Mornin', Lura," he replied, stifling a yawn.

"How are my shifters?" Lance inquired, his concern evident in his eyes.

Allura's gaze shifted to the holographic display, and she responded, "They're adapting well,"

Lance nodded, a hint of pride breaking through his fatigue. "Good to hear."

The leaders on the holographic screen nodded in agreement. 

"Last night, after our discussions," Shiro began, stepping forward, "we formulated a plan to address the anomalies we detected in the nearby systems."

As the holographic projection displayed a visual representation of their strategy, the Voltron team took turns explaining their roles and the coordinated efforts required. 

The Blade of Marmora and Rebel leaders absorbed the information, offering valuable insights and feedback.

Lance leaned against the railing, fully engaged now. 

The bridge became a hub of focused activity as the alliance between Voltron, the Blade of Marmora, and the Rebel forces solidified. 

Each member of the team, along with the leaders of the allied forces, worked together to fine-tune the plan. 

The air crackled with determination as they discussed tactics, contingencies, and the crucial moments that lay ahead.

Despite the collaborative energy in the room and the comprehensive plan laid out before them, Lance couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something was seriously amiss.

As the holographic displays dimmed and the leaders of the Blade and Rebel forces signed off, he exchanged glances with Keith, the unspoken concern mirrored in his eyes.

"Something's not sitting right with me," Lance admitted, his brow furrowed.

Keith nodded in agreement his ear twitching in thought, his intuition aligning with Lance's unease. "I feel it too. It's like there's a shadow lurking just beyond our sight."

Allura, approached them. "Lance, Keith, what troubles you?"

Lance hesitated before responding, "I can't put my finger on it, but it feels like we're missing a piece of the puzzle. Like there's a threat we haven't considered."

Allura's expression grew serious. "Trust your instincts, Lance. We'll reevaluate the plan and ensure we haven't overlooked anything."

The trio, joined by Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Romelle and Adam convened to review the strategy once more. 

Although Lance's unease only deepened as the discussions continued. 

Frustration etched across his face, he interrupted the strategizing.

"Guys, I appreciate the planning, but I can't shake the feeling that it's not about the strategy. It's something else, something we're not seeing," he voiced, a tinge of urgency in his tone.

The room fell into a contemplative hush as the team considered Lance's words. 

Keith, spoke up, "Maybe it's not about what we're planning, but who we're planning against. Could there be a traitor among us?"

Lance's frustration reached a boiling point, and he couldn't contain the tension any longer. 

With a sudden snarl, he interrupted the ongoing discussions.

"That's not it!" Lance's voice held an edge, his agitation palpable as his ears and tail appeared.

"It's not about a traitor; it's something in the air, something we're missing. There's a piece of the puzzle we haven't even seen yet!"

The room fell into a startled silence, and Lance ran a hand through his hair pinning his ears back, his eyes scanning the holographic displays as if expecting the missing information to materialize.

"It's like we're walking into a trap blindfolded, and I can't figure out where it's coming from," Lance continued, his frustration giving way to a raw honesty that hung heavy in the air.

Keith stepped forward, a concerned furrow on his brow. "Lance, we're doing everything we can to cover every angle. If there's something specific—"

Lance shook his head, his gaze intense. "I don't know, Keith. It's just a gut feeling, but it's never steered me wrong before. There's more to this, and until we figure out what, I won't be at ease."

The gravity of Lance's words settled on the team, a shared realization that their path forward was shrouded in uncertainty. 

"Well, remember what your father said, Lance," Coran spoke up, breaking the contemplative silence that hung over the strategizing team. 

"He always emphasized the importance of trusting your instincts."

Lance's eyes flickered with a mix of gratitude and determination at Coran's reminder. 

The resonance of his father's wisdom echoed through his mind, a guiding force that spurred him to speak up again.

"That's right," Lance asserted, drawing strength from the memory of his father's advice. 

"Dad always told me to trust my instincts, and right now, they're screaming at me that something's not right."

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