Moving Out!!

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After much thought and deliberation, the urgency in Lance's instincts weighed heavily on the team. 

Despite the lingering unease, a collective decision was made to proceed with the plan that had been meticulously crafted.

Shiro, as the natural leader, addressed the team, "We've considered every angle, and while Lance's concerns are valid, we can't afford to stand still. The anomalies we've identified need to be addressed, and our alliance with the Blade and Rebel forces is crucial. We proceed, but with heightened vigilance. Keep your guard up and stay alert."

Lance walked out of the strategy room, his ears still pinned back in a sign of inner turmoil. 

The weight of uncertainty clung to him like a shadow. 

He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to unfold. 

If only he could pinpoint exactly what it was.

The corridors of the Castle of Lions seemed to close in around him as he made his way through, the soft hum of machinery providing a backdrop to his troubled thoughts. 

His steps were measured, each one echoing the persistent unease that had settled within him.

"I can't shake this feeling," Lance muttered to himself, his gaze distant as he navigated the winding halls. 

He couldn't help but replay the details of the plan in his mind, searching for the elusive piece of information that eluded him.

The team's decision to proceed with the plan lingered in the air, but Lance remained vigilant, his instincts urging him to stay on high alert. 

The Castle, usually a sanctuary, now felt like a maze of uncertainties.

The anticipation of what awaited them left him on edge, a sentinel in the quiet corridors of the Castle, ears still pinned back, attuned to the whispers of an impending storm.


The atmosphere inside the Castle of Lions crackled with anticipation as the team prepared to execute the intricate plan to free the Balmera, a living planet that housed numerous captives.

Allura and Hunk, in their respective lions, were poised for an aerial evacuation of the prisoners.

The strategy involved multiple rounds of extracting captives and transporting them to the safety of the castle.

In the air, Pidge, Keith, Shiro, and the Rebel forces readied themselves for an assault from above.

Their strategic maneuvers would create a diversion, drawing the attention of any potential threats away from the evacuation efforts.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Blade of Marmora and Lance, prepared for a covert operation. Their mission was to navigate the terrain and secure crucial access points, ensuring a smooth and unobtrusive evacuation process.

Lance, despite his earlier unease, donned his blue pladian armor which had been adjusted to fit his ears and tail and adjusted the grip on his weapon. 

The ground team's roles was pivotal — to neutralize any ground-based threats and provide cover for the evacuations taking place in the air.

As the team received their final instructions and synchronized their communication channels, Lance took a moment to address the ground team. "Stay sharp, stay quiet. Our job is to keep the area secure for the evacuations. Let's move out."

"Good luck, Lance," Keith said, clapping a firm hand on his shoulder.

Lance met Keith's gaze, his eyes revealing a mix of determination and gratitude. "You too, Keith. Watch your back up there. And be careful."

Keith smiled and Lance walked him to the lion bunker turning to Red he says. 

"You keep my boy safe Red"

"I've got your mate; he will be fine, cub," Red said, his massive jaws opening to allow Keith entry.

However, as Keith moved forward to enter Red's mouth, Lance unexpectedly reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"I mean it, Keith, watch your back," Lance's voice held a mixture of concern and determination.

The hug was brief but conveyed a depth of camaraderie and shared history between the two.

Keith nodded, appreciating the unspoken understanding that passed between them. "I will, Lance."

With a final squeeze, Lance released Keith, who then turned to Red and entered his mouth, disappearing into the colossal form of the Red Lion.

Lance watched as the lion roared, a sound that echoed with a mix of power and reassurance.

As Red prepared to launch into the sky, Lance turned his attention back to the ground mission, his shifters ready and waiting. 

The bond between the Paladins and their lions, and the bonds between each member of the his pride and him, fueled their determination to face the challenges ahead.

Lance threw his head back and roared, a primal sound that echoed through the Castle of Lions, causing the temperature in the room to drop slightly.

As the Blue Lion, he held a fierce protective instinct over his team.

Though not everyone was aware of his connection to the Blue Lion, Lance was adamant about safeguarding them. 

Not today. 

Not ever. 

No one would get hurt. 

He would prove that his gut instinct was wrong.

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