The beginning of the end.

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No ones POV

No one was readyf when they attacked. 

One second absolute silence and the next guns blarded. 


Pidge's outburst echoed through the tension-filled air as the Paladins hurriedly made their way to the lion bay.

Shiro's silence stood out amidst the chaos, his expression grave as they prepared to launch into action.

Once inside their lions, the team's focus shifted to the urgent task at hand.

The cockpit lights blinked to life, casting an eerie glow on their determined faces. Without a moment to spare, they powered up their lions and soared into the sky, leaving behind the safety of their base in a rush of speed and determination.

As the Paladins streaked through the atmosphere, their minds raced with questions about how Zarkon had managed to track them down.

Pidge's frustration simmered beneath the surface, her fingers tapping anxiously on the control panel as she scanned for any signs of enemy ships.

"Allura, do you have any idea how Zarkon found us?" Shiro finally broke his silence, his voice calm but tinged with concern.

"I'm not sure, Shiro. We've been careful with our movements, but it seems like Zarkon's forces have developed a new tracking technology." Allura replied from the pink lions cockpit. 

Keith's grip tightened on the controls of his lion, his jaw set in determination. "Doesn't matter how he found us. We need to focus on taking them down and protecting our people."

Hunks voice came over the comms, filled with determination. "We'll fight together, just like we always do. Let's show Zarkon that he can't break us!"

"Lets end it here" Shiro suddenly said as a certain robotic form caught his eye. 

"I agree" Allura stated coldly looking at Zarkons new robotic form.

"On me......FORM VOTLRON" Shiro yelled as the other four lions formed on his position. 

Soon Voltron stood assembled facing the entire Galra Empire, eyes soley focused on the robot before them. 

"I have sent word to the blade and rebel forces they are 10 Dobash's away" Coran reported activating the partical barrier. 

"Understood Coran" Shiro replied as Votron lunged forwards colliding with Zarkon.

 As the two colossal forces clashed in a storm of energy and metal, the universe held its breath, knowing that the outcome of this confrontation would shape the course of galaxies.

Zarkon's robotic form towered over the battlefield, its dark presence casting a shadow over the stars.

With devastating firepower and relentless determination, it unleashed a barrage of attacks aimed at dismantling Voltron piece by piece.

Voltron, however, was not to be underestimated.

The Paladins piloted their lions with unmatched skill and coordination, weaving through the onslaught of enemy fire with agility and precision.

Each Paladin's connection to their lion and to each other fueled Voltron's power, creating a formidable force that stood against the tide of destruction.

Shiro's leadership guided the team, his strategic mind orchestrating their every move.

Keith's fiery spirit fueled their attacks, while Pidge's ingenuity and Hunk's strength provided crucial support.

As the battle raged on, alliances shifted and tactics evolved.

Allura, piloting the Pink Lion with grace and strength, played a pivotal role in outmaneuvering Zarkon's robotic forces.

Her connection to the quintessence and her strategic prowess turned the tide in Voltron's favor.

Although no one was ready for the beam Zarkon fired at them aimed directly at Voltrons core.

The beam struck with precision, causing Voltron to shudder as its systems faltered, rendering the mighty robot immobile.

The Paladins inside their lions felt the impact reverberate through their very beings. Shiro's voice crackled over the comms, his tone urgent yet resolute. "We've been hit! Brace yourselves!"

The beam continued to siphon off Voltron's quintessence, feeding Zarkon's robotic form and revitalizing his strength.

As Voltron struggled against Zarkon's draining beam, a sudden roar echoed across the battlefield, catching everyone's attention.

The lions and the Paladins within them began to glow with a soft blue light, their quintessence replenishing at a rapid pace. Shiro's eyes widened in recognition as he realized what was happening.

"Lance!" Keith's voice rang out with joy, a grin spreading across his face as he witnessed the Blade of Marmora, Rebel Forces, and Lance's shifters entering the battle alongside them.

"How did you get here, Lance?" Allura's voice was filled with relief and laughter as they maneuvered away from Zarkon's attacks.

"Thank Matt and Kolvian; they picked us up on the way past," Lance replied, his laughter echoing through the comms.

"But that would mean that you were already on your way when you recived our distress call" Pidge stated confusied 

"My scouts picked up Lotor's army movements. Seems like I was right about them working together" Lance stated looking out of the ship he was in watching Lotor's army also join the fray. 

A deep, throaty roar filled the air, causing Lance's instincts to kick in, his hair standing on end and his ears pinning back against his skull.

"You've got to be kidding me," Lance growled, sensing the malevolent energy that was all too familiar to him.

To his astonishment, standing on the surface of a battle cruiser was the very bear creature that Lance had defeated when he first shifted. Beside it stood a white tiger, adding to Lance's confusion.

"Since when was Lotor a tiger shifter?" Lance asked, bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

"What!" Voltron's collective voice echoed in disbelief, the Paladins momentarily distracted from the battle with Zarkon.

As if in response to Lance's question, Lotor and the dark bear began to merge, their forms intertwining and transforming. Lotor's snow-white pelt turned into a black canvas, his eyes blazing with piercing red light as the fusion completed, revealing a menacing and powerful new form.

As Lotor, in his transformed and formidable state, lunged towards Voltron with menacing intent, Lance, fueled by determination and protective instinct, took swift action. With a fierce roar, Lance shifted racing out of the ship and intercepting the other shifter. 



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