My Friend, My Soul

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Lances POV: 

Flying in the Yellow Lion with Hunk was less then ideal.

"Please Hunk we are almost there" Lance pleaded.

"I'm really trying" Hunk gagged.

Lance closed his eyes and tried to use his quintessence to reach out to the Blue Lion.

"Lance what are they?" Hunk asked pointing to the little red dots that had appeared on the radar. 

"Quiznak, Its the Galra"

"So these are the guys that attacked us in earths atmoshere". 

Lance sighed.

"Hunk open the hatch I know where she is" Lance sudden yelled startiling Hunk.

"But Lance it's just water" Hunk stated after looking down at the water under the flying Yellow Lion. 

"You lay cover fire I will be fine" Lance said with an unknown confidence. 

"Ok" Hunk said skeptically and flew lower before opening the hatch and saluting Lance. 

"Moron," Lance said and jumped out the now open hatch and fell into the fridged water beneith. 

"Quiznak" Lance gasped as he resurfaced "It's cold"

He took a deep breath and swam down. 

After what felt like an eternity  Lance could feel his breath running short.

'No-No!' Lance thought panicked as he began to choke on his lack of oxygen. 

His vision began to grow dark and his limbs grew heavy. The last thing Lance saw where glowing eyes that seemed to see right through him.

Lances eyes fluttered open and he looked around. 

"Where am I" He asked himself as he took in the infinate white around him and the slate of ice he stood on was the only peice of land on this vast ocean as far as the eye could see.

"Long time no see Alia dimidium" a voice purred around him. 

"What" Lance paused as  his mind grew foggy "What does that mean?".

Lance jerked awake only to find himself sitting in the cockpit of the Blue Lion.

"Guess you saved me, Thanks Blue" Lance smiled and pet the controls shaking of the confusion that still lingered. 

After Blue showed him Lance once again took up the controls and swam to the surface blasting into the war zone above. 

"LANCE YOU LIVE" Hunk screamed as he saw the Blue Lion rise from the water. 

"Guess you found the coms button" Lance laughed. 


"Wow your so funny" Lance said amused. "Come on Lura as the wormhole open" With that the two Lions raced towards their ticket home leaving the Galra behind them. 

After Lance had landed Blue in her bunker he was hesitant to leave. "Alia dimidium" he murmered. 

"Lance report to the bridge Shiro and Pidge are back" Allura said through the castle speakers.

Lance rolled his eyes and left his Lion headed towards the bridge. 

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