Keith Now Knows

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Keith POV:

As Lance collapsed onto the ground, time seemed to slow for Keith.

His heart, unbeknownst to everyone around, was caught in a conflicting dance of concern and a deeper, unspoken emotion.

The Red Lion touched down with a resonating thud, and Keith, driven by a force beyond camaraderie, leaped out with a thump, racing towards Lance's still form.

Each pounding step carried not only the weight of worry but also the subtle undercurrent of something more profound.

In the midst of chaos and dust, Keith's mind raced with thoughts and feelings he had kept hidden.

The Red Lion stood vigilant, a silent witness to the unspoken struggles within its pilot.

As Keith reached Lance, his expression betrayed the turmoil within.

His worry for his friend was intertwined with a deeper, quieter affection, a secret longing that he dared not acknowledge openly. 

Kneeling beside Lance, his eyes held a depth that transcended the immediate danger, hinting at emotions that remained shrouded in the shadows of his heart. 

"LANCE!" Allura screamed racing towards him much like Keith had earlier. 

As Allura kneeled by Lances side Keith pulled the boy he loved into his lap, craddling his head on his lap. 

Keith's head spun around as he heard the rapid steps of the others closing in. 

A snarl left his lips, a surprise even to him, but he didn't stop it. 

Romelle and Adam approached at a run, although they slowed as they took in the situation before them.

In a defensive manner, Keith leaned his body over Lance, his snarl growing louder as a warning to stay away.

"Keith?" Hunk asked, confused, looking at Allura, who was still kneeling beside Lance with a shocked expression.

"Thank you, Adam," Romelle said, holding her hand out. 

She laughed as $10 was deposited into her hand, watching in pleasure.

"Wait, what was the bet for?" Allura asked, confused.

"I bet 10 bucks that Keith and Lance were mates, and boom," Romelle held the money out as proof she was right.

"Huh?" Shiro asked, confused.

"Look at Keith right now," Adam instructed, and they turned towards the Galra half-breed.

Keith's violet eyes glowed, and he bared his fangs, pulling Lance closer.

"He's probably not even aware he's doing it..." Shay added, walking out with a certain clouded leopard curled around her neck, watching quietly.

"He'll be like this until Lance heals," Romelle finished.

"Why?" Hunk asked, confused.

"Because it's his instinct to protect his mate with his life if needed," Adam answered, glancing at Shiro unnoticed. 


"Why aren't you worrying about Lance's health right now?" Allura stated, grasping her brother's hand.

"Why can Allura touch him, but we can't get close?" Shiro queried, intrigued.

"Simple, really. Keith is insecure since they haven't marked each other yet, so Lance is unclaimed. Allura smells like Lance since they are related by blood, so they can't mate," Romelle explained.

"So we will need another mated male to carry him into the ship," Adam finished.

 "And how long will Keith be like this?" Hunk waved an arm in Keith's direction.

"Until he finishes healing," Riley answered, walking up with her mate Nick beside her.

"I can take him onto the ship while you finish out here," Nick said, walking towards Keith.

Keith's nose flared before he looked away from Nick and back to the team, allowing Nick to walk in close, although it took some convincing to allow Nick to carry Lance off.

As Nick carefully lifted Lance from the ground, Keith's protective stance slightly eased, but his eyes remained vigilant. 

The team watched in a mix of confusion and concern as Nick carried Lance towards the ship.

"He seems pretty possessive," Shiro remarked, observing Keith closely.

"That's the mate instinct kicking in," Adam explained, "Keith's just reacting to the situation. Once they mark each other, it'll likely settle down."

Riley nodded in agreement, "Keith's protective instincts are heightened until the bond is solidified."

The team reluctantly returned their attention to the task at hand, knowing that Keith needed space to ensure Lance's safety. 

Meanwhile, Allura couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and worry.

"Is there anything we can do for Lance?" Allura inquired, concern etched across her face.

"Healing pod would be the best option," Adam suggested. "Once inside, the pod will accelerate the healing process, and Keith can keep watch from the outside."

Shiro nodded, acknowledging the plan. "Let's get Lance into the pod, and Keith, make sure you're close by."

Shiro didn't need to tell Keith that.

As the team dispersed to handle various duties, Keith maintained a watchful eye on the healing pod. 

Nick gently placed Lance inside, securing him for the healing process.

"How long until he's back on his feet?" Hunk asked, his worry evident.

"Hard to say. It depends on the extent of his injuries," Nick replied, glancing at Keith. "Keith will be the best judge of when Lance is ready."

Keith remained silent, his gaze fixed on the pod, his earlier snarl replaced by a deep concern.

Romelle approached, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"He'll be okay, Keith. You did what you had to do," she said softly.

Keith nodded, appreciating the support, but his focus remained on Lance.

The team continued their duties, keeping a close eye on both the healing pod and their Galra teammate.

As the hours passed, Keith's tension gradually eased.

The healing pod's soft hum signaled progress, and Keith allowed himself to believe that Lance would recover.

The team gathered, discussing their next steps and strategizing for the challenges ahead as they now had to either finish evacuating the planet or allow the people their home back knowing they will remain a target.

Throughout the meeting, Keith's attention never wavered from the healing pod, a silent vow to protect the one his instincts considered his mate.

And Keith, didn't know how he felt about that.

Days turned into nights, and the Castle of Lions became a hub of activity as the team worked tirelessly to plan their next moves. 

Keith, although actively participating in discussions, couldn't shake off the underlying worry for Lance.

Finally, the healing pod's soft hum changed, indicating that Lance's recovery was reaching its conclusion. 

The team gathered around the pod, anticipation etched on their faces. 

The pod opened, revealing a now conscious and visibly stronger Lance.

"Hey, guys," Lance greeted with a weak smile, adjusting to the surroundings. 

His gaze locked onto Keith, who stood by the pod, a mix of relief and concern in his eyes.

"Welcome back, Lance," Shiro said, a smile breaking through the seriousness of the situation.

Lance slowly sat up, taking in the concerned faces around him. "What did I miss?"

Romelle couldn't help but tease, "Oh, just a bit of drama. You know, the usual."

Lance chuckled weakly but then noticed the protective stance Keith still held. "Keith, I'm okay. You can relax now."

Keith's expression softened, and he finally allowed himself a moment of vulnerability. "I was just worried, alright?"

Lance reached out, placing a hand on Keith's arm. "I appreciate it, man. But I'm tough. Nothing can keep me down for long."

The team shared a moment of relief, knowing that their friend was on the mend. 

As Lance regained strength, the atmosphere lightened, and the focus shifted to the next steps in their mission.

Lance stepped unsteadily out of the healing pod. 

"Romelle report" He said.

"Lance shouldn't you rest" Keith ask worry in his voice. 

"Your acting like a worried mate Keith" Lance teased unaware of what had gone down whilst he was unconscious. 

Because I am you Blue moronic Alpha Keith thought. 

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