Final Goodbyes

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Lance turned to Keith. 

"Look Keith I-"

Keith inturped Lance but grabbing him and pulling him forwards and pressing his lips to Lances.

Lance froze in shock before he brought his hands up one going into the mullet he loved dearly and the other on Keiths lower back pulling him closer. 

Lance's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions.

He had never expected Keith to make such a bold move, and yet, deep down, he had always craved this connection.

The taste of Keith's lips, the warmth of his touch, sent shivers down Lance's spine, melting away any doubts or hesitations.

For Keith, this kiss was a culmination of unspoken feelings that had been building between them for so long. He couldn't resist the pull, the magnetic attraction he felt towards Lance. It was as if everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them in that moment of raw intimacy.

Their kiss deepened, each movement speaking volumes of their unspoken affection. Lance's fingers tangled in Keith's hair, pulling him closer, while Keith's hands traced the lines of Lance's back, memorizing every curve and contour.

Eventually, they pulled back, breathless although staying in each others arms.

Their eyes met, conveying a silent understanding that this was more than just a fleeting moment.

It was a declaration, a confession of the love that had been simmering beneath the surface all along.

A love that they may never get to develop further. 

"Keith," Lance began, his voice tinged with urgency.

"No, Lance, let me speak," Keith insisted, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

Lance nodded, his gaze never leaving Keith's eyes. 

"I understand that you can't come with us, but you belong to me," Keith said, his words carrying a weight of longing and possessiveness.

Lance felt a pang in his chest at Keith's declaration. "Keith, you know we might not see each other again," he said softly, the sadness evident in his voice.

Keith pulled back, frustration evident on his face. "Don't talk like that," he snapped, his violet eyes burning with determination.

"Lance, I want to mark you, to claim you as mine," Keith confessed, his words filled with desperation.

Lance sighed, his gaze drifting towards the castle of lions as he contemplated Keith's words.

"Are you certain about us, about me?" Lance asked, searching Keith's eyes for reassurance.

In response, Keith's eyes glowed yellow, a primal instinct taking over. He lunged forward, sinking his teeth into Lance's throat, the mating scent filling the air.

Lance gasped in surprise but held Keith close, returning the gesture by sinking his teeth into Keith's neck. In that moment, they marked each other, sealing their bond in a primal and irreversible way.

Their hearts beat as one, the bond between them stronger than ever, as they embraced their destiny together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

They both pulled away wiping each other blood from their faces and watching the wounds quickly. 

Lance's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he reached out to cup Keith's cheek.

"I know we have to leave each other now, but please remember that my love for you will never change. No matter where we are, no matter what happens, you'll always have a piece of my heart."

Keith leaned into Lance's touch, closing his eyes briefly to savor the warmth of his hand against his skin. "I'll carry your love with me, Lance, always. Even when we're apart, I'll hold onto it like a beacon in the dark."

They stood there, locked in a tender embrace, knowing that the time to part had come.

With a heavy heart, Lance reluctantly pulled away, his eyes lingering on Keith's face, etching every detail into his memory.

"Take care of yourself, Keith," Lance said softly, his voice filled with a mixture of love and longing. "And remember, I'll be waiting for the day when we can be together again, without any barriers between us."

Keith nodded, his own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I'll count the moments until that day comes, Lance. Until then, stay safe."

With a final, lingering glance, Lance turned away, his steps heavy as he walked towards his destiny, his Pride.

Keith watched him go, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips, knowing that their love would endure, no matter the distance between them.

Then he turned and entered the castle of lions wiping away the tears running down his face.

"I love you" Lance spoke through their new mate bond.

Keith smiled at the warmed and affection behind those words.

"I love you too" Keith replied sobs racking his body. 

Keith wasn't good at goodbyes,

And Lance hated that he was.

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