Any volunteers?

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Lance surveyed the determined faces of his pride members, the training room filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. He took a step forward, a sense of purpose burning in his eyes.

"Alright, team, we've shown incredible progress in our training, and I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you," Lance began, his voice commanding attention. 

"But there's a new challenge on the horizon. The blade and rebel groups out there need to know they have allies in us, a direct link to Voltron thanks to our pride bond."

He paused, gauging the reactions in the room before continuing. "I'm looking for volunteers. Brave individuals willing to act as liaisons between our pride and these groups. We need to strengthen our alliances and ensure that we're always one step ahead of any potential threats."

A hush fell over the room as Lance scanned the faces of his pride. He could see the wheels turning in their minds, the silent calculations of risk and determination.

"This won't be easy, and it's a crucial role," Lance emphasized. "You'll be the bridge between us and the blade, the rebels, and anyone else fighting for the same cause. Communication is vital, and trust me, your efforts won't go unnoticed."

A young shifter named Jordan raised his hand, determination burning in his eyes. "I'm in, Lance. I want to help forge those connections."

Lance smiled, appreciating the eagerness. "Thank you. Anyone else?"

One by one, members of the pride stepped forward, expressing their willingness to take on this important mission. Lance felt a surge of gratitude for their commitment. These volunteers would be the ambassadors, building a network that could prove crucial in times of need.

"Fantastic," Lance said, his voice filled with pride. "Let's work together to make these connections strong. Our unity is our greatest strength, and with allies by our side, we'll be an unstoppable force for good." 

"Can thoughs of you who put their hands up to volunteer meet me in the bridge for more information the rest of you can go back to whatever you where doing before." Lance waved a hand dissmissing them. 

"Wance!" Lance stumbed as two little tigers leapted onto Lances back their claws digging in. 

"Ow you little ferals" Lance laughed spinning in a little circle enough for the two tigers to laugh but not fall off. 

Eventually Lance pulled them into his arms where they turned back into their human forms. 

"Sorry Lance, Tia and Rory adore you" laughed Riley who was the mother of the cubs in Lances arms.

"It's no problem." Lance smiled then turned his attention to the kids in his arms "Now I have something I need to do right now but we can play later ok"

"Can we play in our other forms please" Whined Tia 

"Sure" Lance set them on the ground. A little bit of pride surging frowards as he remebered these to when they first met. Skin and bone, not only that but scared too.


"Lance!" Jordan smiled walking towards Lance with a grin as he entered the bridge. 

"Hello Jordan" 

"Ok down to business we had six volunteers come forth" Lance gestured behind him. 

"So three to each group" Shiro smiled. 

"Ok introduce yourselves and tell us a little about you" Pidge ordered.

"Im Jordan and I turn into a timber wolf" Jordan smiled 

The others shared before Lance stepped forwards.

"The teams are Noah, Ricky, Jordan and Seth, Mac and Johon" Lance said "Now Allura you can chose where to send them I need to go somewhere real quick."

After Allura nodded Lance left the bridge and headed down to the lion bay. 

"It's been awhile cub" Black said turning to look at him as he entered. 

"Sorry I have been busy" 

"All those shifters we smell they are yours are they not?" Pink asked.

"Come on pink we can smell they are his" Green snapped back.

"Be quiet you too" huffed the yellow lion. 

"So what brings you here" Red asked.

"Well I have a few questions you see I Uhh" Lance trailed of unsure how to contiune. 

"Well get on with it" Red huffed 

"I turned into a blue lion" Lance said "Why didn't you tell me I could?"

"Lance this has never happened before, not even we know what you will be able to do" Black answered. 

"How big was your lion form" Green asked crouching in front of him

"My shoulder was just above Keith's head-"

"What made you turn?" Green quized.

"Kosmo was about to get hurt-"

"What was your-"

"GREEN SHUT UP" The other lions rawred. 

"Gee sorry" Green snapped back sitting upright once more. 

"Okayyy" Lance drawled "Now my other question..." Lance trailed off again this time a slight blush on his face. 

"I feel this weird pull towards someone" Lance said embarrassed.

"Describe this pull" Yellow smiled. 

"I-uhh get really mad when this someone is talking to another member of my pride, I get a little restless if I haven't seen him in awhile-"

"And when your really mad just their sent can calm you" Red finished for Lance looking away.

"Yea" Lance sighed. 

"That cub is your mate bond" Pink grinned 

"My what?"

"All animals takes mates their like their one true love or soulmate if that makes sense" Green explained.

"So why would I be feeling this for Keith" Lances eyes widened as he relised he said Keiths name. 

"Your lion wants him, with shifters according to my research ones mate does not have to be a shifter themselves" Green once again said.

Lance nodded and turned to leave. 


Lance turned to look at Red. Taking in the sad look in the lions eye. 

"If this is the mate bond, he will feel the same way

Sorry for this short chapter but the interaction between Red and Lance in the end nearly made me cry. 


But then again I also know where im building this and you. 

My lovley readers. 


*Insert evil laughter.*

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