I hate being right

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So far the plan was going smoothly. 

The blade had covered one of the exit points and Lance had just cleared his. 

"Allura, Hunk your good to go" Lance said into his ear piece.

"Roger that Lance" Hunk replied  landing the yellow lion infront. 

"Nice one cub" Yellow complemented Lance with a nod as it lowered itself and opened it's jaws allowing the prisoners to enter. 

"In-coming on the left" Adam spoke through the bonds alerting Lance. 

"Romelle, go help Adam on the left!" Lance's command cut through the chaos, his eyes focused on the battleground. 

In response, the sleek form of a jaguar, Romelle's animal form, raced past him with incredible speed. With a fierce determination, she joined Adam, the silver wolf, on the left flank.

Together, the duo unleashed their animal prowess, swiftly and efficiently taking down the sentries that stood in their way. 

Romelle's jaguar moved with a grace that mirrored her agility, while Adam's silver wolf tore through the opposition with a mix of strength and precision. 

Lance, observing their coordinated assault, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.

"Headed off with first load" Hunk reported flying off. 

Lance grinned as he watched the Red lion race forwards and blast any fighters in the yellow lions way. 

"Your clear Hunk" Keith reported calmly.

Lance raised his sniper and took down an enemy approaching from the right. 

"Lance the blade is being over run" Jordans voice echoed in his ear. 

"Sending back up you way" He replied 

"Ben, Taylor, Mac, get over to the Blade's target" Lance's urgent command initaiated an immediate response, a trio of swift and powerful creatures broke off from the group, racing into the distance with astonishing speed.

A wolf, a leopard, and a cheetah, each manifesting the unique animal form of the respective shifters, surged forward with a shared determination. 

The ground beneath them trembled as they covered the terrain, their agility matched only by their dedication to the mission.

"Inbound now" Lance told Jordan. 

"Yep got eyes" Jordan replied.

"Please help they have my kids" Sobbed one of the captives. 

"Romelle handle the situation out here im headed in" Lance reported racing into the tunnel taking off his helment to allow his eyes to adjust in the dark. 

After travelling deeper into the caves Lance heard the voices, 

"Shay you need to go now!!!" Yelled a male voice.

"No Rax you go I got this." Shay replied. 

"You can't control you animal form you haven't had the training- NO SHAY GOD DAMN IT" Rax yelled.

A feline roar rattled the cave as Lance rounded the corner. 

"Rax get out" Lance yelled picking up the boys name from the converstation.

"I have to get my sister" He snapped watching the puma rip into the sentries before it. 

"I will, you need to get out" Lance replied calmly.

Threw My Eyes (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now