Blood is bitter-sweet

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Keith POV

Keith watched in shock as the green pladians body fell. 

He watched as Lance missed catching them. 

He watched as Lance roared in pain. 

He watched Lance turn. 

Lance, now in the formidable embodiment of the Blue Lion, turned towards the Galra commander with eyes ablaze. 

The ground trembled beneath the lion's massive paws as it charged forward, a symbol of righteous fury and indomitable strength.

"HE'S GONNA GET HIMSELF KILLED!" Keith yelled into the silence. 

"Pidge" Hunk sobbed. 

Romelle's voice suddenly filtered through the communications. 

"Oh-h Lance" Romelle dropped to her knees and much to everyones surpise so did all of Lances shifters.

"ROMELLE WHATS WRONG WITH HIM!" Keith yelled desperately, tears rolling down his face. 

He had just watched Pidge die he couldn't watch Lance too. 

"He-e's" She sobbed. 

"He's what" Keith cried.

"HE'S IN PAIN" Romelle held her hand in her hands as sobs racked her. 

Allura wrapped her arms around Romelles shaking form trying to hide her own tears. 

Keith turned the Red Lion towards Lance. 

Lance was now close enough to the commander that he lunged, his mussels rippling and claws outstreached. 

Ignoring the multiple bullets that hit him.

Keith watched Lances jaws lock around Prorok's neck.

Lance POV.

Lance felt the skin around Prorok's throat give way to his fangs. 

The taste of blood was bitter-sweet as it coated the inside of his mouth and ran down the back of his throat.

With a quick, ruthless shake of his head, Lance tore out Prorok's throat, a visceral and primal display of vengeance.

Once the deed was done, Lance stood back, watching the Galra commander bleed.

He felt a numbness wash over him, a surreal detachment from the living world. The tears streaming down his face, however, betrayed the turmoil within.

Lance's numbness clashed with the raw emotions bubbling beneath the surface.

Thankfully, the rest of the team had cleared the remaining threats while Lance confronted Prorok. 

The battleground, once a chaotic dance of violence, now bore the echoes of a silent victory, tinged with the heavy cost of loss and revenge.

Lance's heart pounded as he leaped down from the green lion, the landing barely making a sound against the dirt below. 

The air hummed with a mix of tension and misery, and he couldn't help but feel the vibrations of the robotic beast beneath him.

Lance closed his eyes and pressed his nose to the beast before him, allowing his quintessance to flow to the green lion. 

Lance's blue lion form glowed brightly and soon the green lion rose from the ground with a roar. 

So mush for keeping his statis a secret. 

The blue lion turned and padded towards the body of pidge, tears still flowing down his fur. 

He allowed his beast form to fade away and his human body stepped forwards kneeling on the ground besides him. 

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