Lights out.

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Lance stood shocked, he had been replaced. 

Lance shook his head as a cool feeling tickled his mind before retreating. 

The team was looking at him as he turned his gaze to the pink lion. 

"Hello Lance

Shock filled Lance and he stumbled backwards. 

"Lance?" Shiro asked. 

Lance turned and ran from the room.

Only allowing himself to breath once he was inside his room. 

Lance didn't run because he had been replaced, that he had come to terms with.

But that lion.   


"Lance it's me" Alluras voice came through the door. 

Lance opened the door and pulled his sister inside ignoring the rest of the team. 

"Look Lance I don't know what happened -" Allura began.

"Lura I knew I was going to be replaced I don't care about that" Lance interupted.

"So why did you run" Allura asked confused. 

Lance took a breath and sat on his bed. 

"I heard it Allura"

"Heard what"

"That lion i-it spoke to me" He looked up into the shocked eyes of his sister. 

"Your its pladian yet I heard it's voice. Not the feeling I felt with blue. Like it acually spoke to me" Lance stuttered. 

Allura looked at him confused. 

"What did she say?"

"She said hello Lance" Lance explained. 

The door to his bunker opened and Pidged looked at Lance wide eyed. 



So now here he was standing infront of the newest lion his team wathing them both. 

"Lance if you don't want to do this" Keith murmered to him. 

"I'm ok" Lance smiled before approaching the lion. 

Once more the lion lowered it's self to the ground and seemed to look at Lance. 

"Hello again." It's voice wrapping around his mind like honey. 

"H-h i" He stuttered looking at the beast ahead of him. 

"Don't be afraid cub" It purred. 

"How can I hear you?" Lance asked 

"We are one of the same. You and all the lions in the castle" The pink lions stood and roared. 

A roar that echoed back to him filled with four other voices. 


"Sup little dude"

"I saved his ass" (Wonder who this is??)

"Hello cub

Lance spun around eyes wide. 

"Lance what is happening" Hunk asked staring at the blue pladian who had a large grin across his face. 

"I can hear them. All of them."

"What are they saying" Keith asked.

"Really they where just saying hi" Lance turned back to the pink lion. 

Threw My Eyes (Klance Au)Where stories live. Discover now