In trouble

284 13 1

"The Blue Pladian is the Blue Lion"

Lance turned and looked at his tail the same blue that had adorned his lion. 

"I know how to make this entertaining" Sendak chuckkled. 

With a nod of his head one of the comanders generals let out a high pitched whistle at which Lance flinched and covered his new feline ears. 

"My brothers a cat..." Allura murmered causing Shiro to chuckle softly. 

A loud barking filled the room as a large animal that resembled a dog lunged into the room. 

"Cat vs Dog who will win" Sendak chuckled as the general pointed at Lance. 

The beast leapt forwards with a snarl aiming for Lance who only just dodged the attack.

"Go guys get to the castle I'll distract them." Lance said ears perked forwards as he watch the beast run at him once more. 

"You heard him" Shiro yelled pulling Allura behind him. 

Only Keith hesitated.

"Go Mullet I'll be fine besides Kosmo wants to stay and help" Lance smiles as he once again dodges the attack of the dog. 

Keith nodded and ran off. 

Sendak moved to follow him but Lance lept down and blocked the path.

The beast moved to stand beside it's own and snarled at Lance. 

Lance chuckkled as he felt and odd tingling in his cainines and nails. 

Dropping into a defesive position Lance roared ears pinned to his head. Kosmo who stood besides his rasied his hackles and bared his fangs. 

Thrusters behind Lance caught his attention as the castle burst from the ship. 

"Sorry it was fun playing" Lance smiled his voice with a heavy lisp as he spoke around his new fangs and put his hand on Kosmo who teleported them both into the brindge of the castle. 

"Allura go get to the lions I can pilot the castle" Lance said to his sister who nodded and raced away. 

Lance took the controls of the castle and piloted them away as the lions aniolated the ship behind them. 

Lance put the ship in autopilot and walked towards Kosmo. 

"You good buddy" He asked stroking the wolf and checking for inguries. 

Lance sat back after making sure he was alright and looked at his claws. He also took note of his tail and felt his ears. 

God this was weird. 

Lance saw the lions flying in to land and walked to there bunkers Kosmo by his side.

He watched the lions land and the pladians walk out taking off helments and wiping their sweat away. 

Lance was about to walk towards them when all the lions turned to look at him a once. 

Lance froze under their gaze and his ears dipped back laying flat against his head. 

"We need to talk Lance" The black lion stated sitting. The other lions copied him. 

"Fine," Lance turned to address the team "I will see you on the bridge"

"Why not come with us n-" Hunk asked confused.

"Look at the lions Hunk, I think hes in trouble" Pidge giggled.

Keith saluted him and the team left. 

After the door closed Lance turned back to the black lion. 

The red lion stood and rawred at Lance. 

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