Goodbyes and Plannings

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Lance walked from the Lions bunker his emotions scattered and his mind racing. 

"If this is the mate bond, he will feel the same way"

Reds words sang to him repeatedly. 

"Hey boss, your needed in the bridge" Romelles voice entered his mind. 

"On my way" He replied altering his course and jogging to the bridge. 

"Why is this so far from the Lion bunker." Lance huffed as he entered. 

Allura laughed and gave her brother a hug, gentley rubbing his eye scales with her thumbs after pulling back from the hug. 

"What was that for" Lance said his words only reaching his sisters ears. 

"I know this is hard for you, and I'm proud" Allura smiled before pulling away. 

Romelle walked over and began to report everything they had decided including to what areas the volunteers where being sent too. 

"So Jordans team is going to the blade as they are more steath based, and Seths team is going to the rebals since they have more speed." Romelle finished explaining. 

Sorry quick note 

Jordan - wolf
Noah - Bear
Ricky - Panther 
There training was around stealth

Seth - Leopard
Mac - Cheetah
Johon - Wolf
Once again training was around speed. 

Back to the book....

He nodded "When are they headed out"

"Well we have informed the bases and they are ready to be recived now" Hunk stated looking up at Lance. 

"Ok, lets head to the pods then."

All six volunteers had finished saying goodbye to their loved ones and now stood infront of Lance. 

He gazed intently at each of them, his penetrating eyes capturing the subtle nuances of their expressions. 

Through the intricate bonds that connected them, he not only saw but truly felt the depth of their emotions. 

A palpable sense of nervousness and fear emanated from some, their eyes betraying the vulnerability that lurked beneath the surface.

Yet, intertwined with these apprehensions was an unmistakable determination that resonated through the shared connection.

The palpitations of their hearts, the rapid rise and fall of their breaths — all were transmitted to him through the invisible threads that bound them together.

Each heartbeat seemed to echo the rhythm of their collective resolve, a synchronous pulse that reverberated in the unspoken language of shared purpose.

Despite the trepidation that lingered, there was an undeniable eagerness to please, to prove themselves worthy of his approval.

The intensity of their commitment to making him proud was a silent pledge that echoed in the shared space between them.

It was as if, in that profound moment of connection, their individual fears melded into a unified force, determined to overcome the challenges ahead.

Lance unfurled his ears and tail, a manifestation of his true nature, and let out a resonant snarl.

Yet, it wasn't a display of anger; instead, it echoed with a deep sense of pride. 

The transformation, accompanied by the primal sound, served as a symbolic declaration of his authority and connection to the ancient lineage of shifters.

"Hear me, my shifters," he commanded, his voice carrying a weight of both power and guidance. The air seemed to ripple with the energy of his presence.

"Under my command, ensure the safety of one another and those in your vicinity. Trust your instincts to guide you through challenges. Strive to make me proud. If you require assistance, do not hesitate to reach out. Is this clear to everyone?"

The assembled shifters, their eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and reverence, nodded in unison, acknowledging the gravity of the responsibility placed upon their collective shoulders. 

Lance sighed "Please be safe"

Jordan raced over too him and hugged him. "We wont let you down Lance"

With a smile Lance ruffled his hair, "Go on then"

He watched in silence as the pods flew off into the galaxy, a heavy weight against his side bought him back to reality.

Lance shifted his gaze, catching sight of Keith leaning against him. 

A warm smile graced his features as he gently pulled the smaller male close, encircling him with a protective embrace. 

Resting his chin on Keith's head, Lance held him securely against his chest, creating a moment of quiet intimacy and reassurance in the midst of their shared world.

"They'll be okay, Lance," Keith murmured softly.

A low, ominous snarl escaped Lance's lips in response. "They better be," he growled, the intensity of his voice echoing the underlying concern and determination.

"They better be." The weight of his worry hung in the air, underscoring the importance of the bond they shared and the responsibility he felt for those under his protection.


In the heart of the Castle of Lions, Lance and Keith retreated to a dimly lit chamber, away from the moonlit world outside. 

The room, adorned with ancient tapestries and a soft glow emanating from the nearby crystals, provided a quiet refuge.

Seated around a sturdy wooden table, Lance ran a hand through his tousled hair, his expression a mix of concern and determination. 

Keith took a seat opposite him, the ambient light casting shadows on the intensity etched across his face.

"I can't shake this feeling, Keith," Lance admitted, his voice breaking the silence. "It's like a storm brewing on the horizon, and I can't ignore it."

Keith leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Lance's. "We've faced uncertainties before, Lance. The team is strong, and we've trained them well. Trust in their abilities."

Lance nodded, acknowledging the truth in Keith's words, but the weight on his shoulders remained palpable.

"I just can't help but worry."

Keith reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on Lance's.

"Your not alone in this. You have me, and we have the entire Voltron team. Whatever happens, we face it together."

As Lance and Keith sat in contemplative silence, a holographic display flickered to life, casting a soft glow across the room.

It showed a map of the surrounding galaxies, the vastness of space mirrored in their eyes.

Lance took a deep breath, steeling himself for the trials ahead. "Let's gather the team and strategize. My pride relies on me, and I won't let them down."

With an unspoken understanding, they rose from the table, leaving the chamber to rally their team. The distant hum of the castle's machinery accompanied their steps.


Gathering in the Castle of Lions' strategic command center, Lance and Keith were joined by the rest of the Voltron team, Lances second Romelle, and Adam his third.

The holographic display projected a three-dimensional map of the galaxy, illuminating the room with a soft, pulsating light.

Lance, standing at the forefront, addressed the assembled group. "Team, we're facing an unknown challenge, and we need to be prepared. The safety of my pride and the galaxy depends on it."

Shiro, the steady and seasoned leader, stepped forward. "Lance is right. We've been through tough battles, but this time feels different. We need to be vigilant and trust in each other."

Pidge, ever the tech genius, manipulated the holographic controls, highlighting potential areas of concern. "I've been scanning for any unusual activities in nearby systems. There are some anomalies we should investigate."

As the team discussed potential strategies, Romelle and Adam offered insights from their unique perspectives.

Romelle, with her knowledge of the shifters history, shared ancient wisdom that could prove invaluable. 

Adam, a skilled strategist, outlined tactical approaches to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

Allura, standing regally beside the holographic map, addressed the group with a commanding presence.

"Our unity has always been our strength. Let us combine the skills and knowledge each of you brings to the table. Together, we are Voltron, a force that cannot be easily broken."

A collaborative energy filled the room as the team brainstormed and devised a comprehensive plan. Ideas flowed freely, and each member contributed their expertise.

With a finalized strategy in place, the team dispersed to their designated positions, ready to face the impending challenge. Lance and Keith exchanged a nod, a silent acknowledgment of the trust they placed in each other and their team.

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