Fights and Feels

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"Lance, Ben and Jack are fighting again" Adam told him.

"Get Romelle to deal with it" Lance sighed

"Shes busy with Allura" Adam chuckkled. 

Romelle was second in Lances new pride. A pride that had moved into the castle a few weeks after Lance took over. 

"I'll be back" Lace said to Shiro, Pidge and Hunk as he turned and followed Adam from the room. 

"Wait up Lance!" Keith yelled running from his spot to besides Lance. 

Lance glanced at Keith. Taking in his violet eyes and his mullet. 

"What are you looking at now" Keith laughed.

"Your mullet, Mullet" Lance grinned.



"We are here" Adam said fighting a laugh. 

"Ok you too enough" Lance said at the arguing pair infront of them. 



In Lances frustration his ears and tail appeared. 

"I SAID ENOUGH" Lance roared. 

The arguing pair fell silent, their eyes widening as they turned to face Lance. 

His sudden transformation caught them off guard, and the atmosphere tensed with the raw energy of his frustration.

Lance took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. 

"We're all part of the same pride, whether you like it or not," he growled, his eyes narrowing. "We need to stick together, especially now. Our unity is our strength, not our division."

The two quarreling individuals exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of Lance's words.

The alpha's presence commanded respect, and they reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Save your energy for the real threats out there. We've got bigger problems to deal with than internal squabbles," Lance said, his tail flicking with irritation. 

As his feline features receded, he sighed, hoping that his stern words had made an impact.

The tension lingered for a moment before Lance turned and headed back to the bridge with Keith laughing behind him. 

"Adam can you please go get Romelle and Allura tell them to meet me at the bridge" Lance asked.

"Can do Lance" The beta said turning down another hallway leaving Lance and Keith alone. 

Without Keith, Lance would not have been able to deal with the new responcibilities of being Alpha. 

The transition to becoming an alpha had been overwhelming, and Keith had been a crucial pillar of support during those challenging times. 

Lance often found himself relying on Keith's wisdom and experience to navigate the responsibilities that came with leading the pride.

He remembered the countless late-night discussions, where Keith patiently listened to his concerns and offered guidance. 

Whether it was mediating conflicts, making tough decisions, or simply providing reassurance, Keith's presence made the burdens of leadership more manageable for Lance.

"I couldn't have done this without you, Keith," Lance admitted , as they walked back towards the bridge.

"Being an alpha is a lot more than I bargained for, but you've been there every step of the way."

Keith smirked, a rare display of a satisfied expression. "We're a team, Lance. You're not alone in this. We lead together, and we face the challenges together."

Lance nodded, grateful for the unwavering support. 

As Lance navigated the challenges of leadership and the pressures that came with being an alpha, he couldn't ignore the subtle shift in his feelings towards Keith. 

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