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(Y/N) was playing PS4 while playing Call of Duty MW2. She was smiling as Soap pops on the screen. With a heavy sigh, and leans into her hand while looking at Soap and the others with dreamy eyes.

"Gosh, I wish you all are real..." she mumbled and look at the screen as Ghost looks at the screen like he heard someone talking behind his back.

Just then, the screen glitch and she gasp as her PS4 crashed down. She pushes buttons on her controller, trying to get the game to work, but no use. With a sigh, she turns off her TV, then places down her controller, then walks out of her game room and head to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water and has a sip of water while looking outside, as it was the middle of the night. Checking the time on the microwave as it says 1:54 in the morning.

"Gosh, I played that game all day long. Time for bed, I guess, and tomorrow I can figure out on what happened to my player." (Y/N) mumbled and head off to her room.

Once she was in her room, she changed clothes as her pale skin shone from wearing long sleeves a lot and sweats. She was very skinny and tone to the skin with some abs, changed into night clothes that are all pink with Kirby with night hat on him. Turning off all the lights around the house before getting into bed. Looking at the posters of Soap and Ghost as they are her favored charters, then some posers of Pokemon and Call of Duty and Ghost posters, with one Assassin's creed. Plushies everywhere in her room that is base off from the game and some are handmade from herself like a little Soap crochet. She sighed and falls asleep while hugging a plushy of Ghost that she got from Etsy. While she goes into a deep sleep in her game room, the TV turns on by itself as her voice repeats on the screen. 'Gosh, I wish you all are real.' It repeats itself over and over till in a flash the whole room turns white and then it dims and the TV turns one while saying 'Gosh I wish you all are real' before the screen turns black.
The next morning came and (Y/N) woke up and gets out of bed, yawning and walking out of her room, then down to the kitchen as she push start on the coffeemaker. Looking out the window as she looks outside as there was snow on the ground a bit as it was heating outside, so that means spring is coming. With a sigh as the coffee maker made a beeping sound, turning around and grab her stitch mug and grab the pot and start pouring the coffee in her cup. She was humming a song till there was a loud bang in the gaming room. She looks up and stood there for a bit as she knows she lives alone and listen closely. She heard a grunt and some whispering till she place her cup down and grab a pan as she slowly walks to the gaming room. Once she got there, the sound of whispering was talking and it sounds like men were in there. Her heart races in panic and wonder who was in her gaming room. Was it thrives or someone broke into her home and start playing her games or something? She grip on the pan then places her hand on the doorknob, taking a deep breathing in before letting it out and opens the door fast and close her eyes and swing her pan as it hit someone in the head with a loud bong.

"Get out of my house!" (Y/N) yelled while keep on swinging the pan around as they are yelling to put the pan down while hearing something clicking.

"Ma'am! Put the pan down..." a calm voice said as she opens her eyes and gasped when she saw all the Call of duty men in her room.

There was Price as he was standing there holding his hand up and telling the others to lower their weapons. Ghost with Konig in the left corner while Ghost was glaring at her, Gaz and Alejandro on the right corner as they look calm but still have their guard up and there was Soap that was behind Price. She wonder who she hit, and she looks down and gasped as Keegan was on the ground, knocked out. She slowly looks up at them with a worried look.

"Is he dead?" She asked in a worried tone as Price walks up to her slowly.

"No, he was just knocked out. You really knocked him out." Price said as she lower her pan down.

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