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The sound of betting and clothes being torn as (y/n) was in a bad sight to see, a black eye, bloody lip, and her body was black and blue from all the punches. Jim and the two men laughed at her weak body.

"Where are your men now?" Jim said as he was video taping it to the whole time.

"Yeah? Where are those men?" one of them said and punched her in the stomach hard as she coughs up blood and coughs a lot in pain.

"To bad that they won't be able to see you for the last time." Jim said with a smirk while still recording her being beaten. "They will get this for the last time. They will see you, you whore." Jim laughed so did the others. "Now the fun part."

Jim walked over and grab a gun from the table and walks over, but before he could do anything, the door busted open and a smoke boom filed the room as Ghost jumped down and pointed his rifle at them while the others made it in. The two men in masks tried to run away, but Alejandro and Gaz shot them down as Jim quickly goes around and hold (y/n) at gunpoint.

"One more move she is fucken dead!" Jim yelled while looking around in the thick smoke.

"That would be a wrong choice." Graves said.

"Unless you want to be killed." Price said in a gruff voice.

"Who are you?!" Jim yelled as (y/n) smiles and feel weak.

"That would be my boys." She said softly as Jim glares at her and grab her hair and lift her head up.

Jim holds her like a shield as he kept his gun pointed at her head. Price has his sight on Jim as his heart clutch by the sight of (y/n). He aimed right at Jim's head as he was ready to take the shot. Soap and Ghost glare at Jim as they stood next to Price as they saw how they treated her. Gaz, Alejandro, and Konig felt sick to their stomach about what they have done to her and anger in their veins when they saw blood coming from her body. Keegan, Graves, and Alex felt but anger about what they did to her. The smoke thin up as everyone was pointing their guns at Jim as he shield himself with (y/n) but Price have a perfect shot. Jim gets scared, and he pulls the trigger. Till there was a loud bang.

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