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Logan woke up with (y/n) in his arms, still asleep as he smiles down at her. Slowly moving his arm away from her as she moans and moves a bit in her sleep, as he stops and waits for a bit to make sure she is still asleep. Knowing that she is still asleep, he gets out of bed slowly and puts his clothes on before sneaking out of her room and closing the door behind him. He sighs and rubs the back of his neck while walking down to the kitchen to get something to drink. When he got to the kitchen, he saw Ghost and Keegan making some coffee. Logan grabs a cup and stood next to Keegan as the coffee was making. Just then, one by one, the men walk in from the smell of coffee and they all got their coffee. Everyone sits down at the table till (Y/n) came down with her hair up and yoga pants and a tank top. She walks by them while saying morning and everyone said morning to her as she head down to the gym. When she got to the gym, she turn on a playlist as hard music was playing and she work out to the beat of the hard music. Sometime while doing work outs, Roach came in alone as he watched her work out and he smiles.

"You sure know how to work out good," Roach joked as (y/n) stops and looks over at him and smile.

"Thanks, I like to keep in shape when I can." She told him as he nodded.

"I can see that. Do you need any help with your training exercise?" Roach asked as she shook her head no.

"Nope, I am good. Thanks anyway Roach." She told him as he smiles.

"Anytime." He said and head over to the weights and start doing some weight lifting.

They both work out till they broke out a sweat, and they finished their sets while (y/n) turn off the music and Roach grabs two towels while handing one to her. She said thanks and took it and start whipping the sweat off of her. Roach did the same thing as they look at each other and Roach looks away with red cheeks as she smiles at him. She thinks it is so cute that he get's shy quickly. Putting the towel in a basket that was full, so she need to do some laundry that needed to be done. Roach places the towel in the basket also as she looks at him.

"Do you like to help me today with laundry?" (Y/n) asked him as he smiles and nodded.

"Yeah sure! I will get the guy's clothes and mine as well." Roach said as she smiles at him.

"Thanks Roach." She said as Roach nodded and head off to get the clothes.

(Y/n) smiles and grabs the basket of towels and head over to the laundry room and starts getting a load ready. When she was getting the towels in the washer, Roach came back with help from Alejandro and Price with baskets of clothes.

"Roach told us you are doing laundry. You know we can do our own laundry." Price told her as she looks at Price.

"I know, but something for me to do around the house. You guys done so much, so I just want to wash your guy's clothes if that is alright." She told Price as he smiles.

"Yeah, that is alright." Price said and set a basket down on the floor and so did Alejandro.

"If you need more help, just call for us," Alejandro said as she nodded.

"Will do." She said as he nodded and left with Price.

Roach stayed and start helping to go through the clothes for whites, shirts, sheets, jeans and masks. Once they're sorted out, Roach and (y/n) pulled out two chairs and sit there while (Y/n) pulled out her phone and start going through some bigger houses that are on sale. Roach was playing rock, paper, scissors by himself to pass the time. (Y/n) found some houses for sale that have about 26 bedrooms, 12 rooms, a large kitchen, a dinning room that is bigger than she have right now, plus a bigger pool in the backyard and two hot tubs that one inside and the other one is outside. The house looks like a castle from a fairytale, and she really likes it. Plus, it's in the middle of a forest next to mountains. The drive is far, but it will be worth it. She text the owner to see if anyone was interested it in and luckily they responded quickly and told her she was the first. She texted them she would like to buy it from them and they told her the price that was over nine million dollars and she just shrugged her shoulders and payed for it. Once she payed for the new house, they told her about a week they will be gone and she told they can to take their time to move out. She put her phone down and smiles as Roach notice her smile.

"Someone is happy." Roach joked.

"Yup just bought a new house for all of us." She told him as he looked shocked.

"Do you need to look at it to make sure you really like it?" He asked.

"Nope. If they are pricy, then I know it's a good place to live at." She said, as Roach raised an eyebrow.

"How much did you pay them?"

"Close to ten million dollars." She said casually as his eyes widen.

"Ten million dollars?! With what money?!" He asked loudly.

"My money, like I always say, I don't care about prices. I just go with the flow." She told him.

"I see, but what happens if you ran out of money?" He asked as she laughs like a little maniac.

"Me ran out of money? Love, I will never run out of money, you know why? I am a billionaire and I can buy anything I like." She said with a playful smirk.

"I will keep that in mind." Roach said.

She smiles at Roach as he smiles back till it was time to change the load. The whole day Roach and (y/n) did the laundry and talked here and there as Roach learn more about her and he falls for her more than ever but he was afraid that something might happen to her and stuff so he pushed down his feelings and put a smile on his face. Once they are done with the laundry (y/n) called down everyone to do their folding and they all came down and did their folding.

"Alright boys, I found a new house." She told them while they were folding their clothes.

"You did? Do you need help to pay for it?" Price asked.

"Do we need to pack?" Gaz asked.

"Haw far is it?" Ghost asked as she sighs.

"Before anyone more questions, yes I did and we are moving in a week or two, just enough time for the old owners to move out. No, I already payed for it and I am not telling you the price, so Roach shut up about it. If you like to pack, you can just the stuff you don't need right away, I guess, and yes, it's kinda far. It's in the forest and it's a castle like house." She told them as they stopped on folding and look at her with wide eyes.

"A CASTLE?!" Everyone yelled asked as she smiles.

"Yup!" She looks proud of herself. "Now finish folding your clothes and I will order some pizza."

With that, she left them and head up to call in pizza as the men look shocked that they will live in a castle soon. They hurried folding their clothes then head up to their rooms and put their clothes away and head in the living room as the pizza already came and she have the TV on and have a movie playing. They all sit down and get a slice of pizza and watched the movie with her.

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