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The next couple of days went by and (y/n) was now free from her Bloody Satan month and the boys was happy about it because she was very moody during those days but they did their best to stay out of her way if she was upset or worse very pissed off about something. Now that she is period free, the weather was getting nicer out, and she was outside in shorts and a long sleeve flannel and start cleaning the pool while the others were doing their own things. They also got some stuff from online that they like to do in their free time. Like Alejandro got some card games to play on his own or play with the others, Soap got more painting/art supplies with sketchbooks and canvas, Ghost got some tea stuff for his afternoon tea with Gaz and Price, Konig, Price and Graves all got some notebooks and other things to write stuff when they are bored or something, and there is Keegan he got himself some of his favorite beer and alcohol to drink when he feels like it. (Y/n) thought that was a bad idea, but she let him be himself lucky for him. He knows when to stop when it's get worse. They all also have their own laptops so they can do online stuff like Alejandro, Soap, Gaz and Ghost play computer games and sometimes compete with themselves on there while the others do another thing on them. Price and Graves do some online working with (y/n) knowing as they want to help the payments of stuff they are doing and she was okay with that. For the others they have their own jobs also that is online but they only do them when they want to it's a not require job to do every single day, just when they have free time. (So all of them are working and getting payed so they can buy things they wanted but (y/n) still sometimes pay stuff if it's too much money for them and she doesn't mind.) Right now, as (Y/n) was cleaning the pool, Soap and Gaz were walking out and saw that (y/n) cleaning the pool and they notice how much deeper and bigger the pool is from the inside.

"Wow, I really never been in the backyard before and I know you have two pools and a hot tub out here, but damn! That is one deep pool!" Gaz said while looking down at the empty pool.

"Yeah, I can't wait to go swimming in them. Say, do you need any help (y/n)?" Soap asked while looking over at (y/n) with a smile.

"Sure, you can clean the other pool for me. The hot tub is already finished, so just the other pool needs to be clean and that's all." She said as Soap smiles and nodded, then went over to the shack where the cleaning supplies were at for the pool and hot tub.

"What do you need me to do?" Gaz asked as (y/n) smiles softly.

"You can finish up here if you like. I need to go and to check on something before I forget." She told him as he smiles and nodded.

"Sure!" Gaz walked over and took the cleaning wand tool and start finishing up the cleaning of the pool while (Y/n) goes inside.

When she was inside, she saw Price and Graves sitting on a chair with his laptop, working on his online job with Graves. She smiles at them but she hopes they don't get to carry away about working all day on their jobs. Walking up to her office and get on her own laptop and start going to her book publishing and see how things are going as she published another book that she has been working on since the men came into her life. Seeing that it went on a good hill of being bought and sold in stores she can tell that she did a great job many people are buying her new book from the stores and reading them or putting them in their to read later pile or to keep it for now and read it later when I feel like it. She logs out and goes on her facebook and checks on some things to see how her family is doing and cousins also online friends. She logs out and checks on Instagram as there are many people posting her book and tagging her in them, telling her how much they love her books and how grateful when some come in the mail. She smiles at them and logs out, then shut down her laptop and walks out of her office. Heading down to the basement to get a drink, she saw Ghost, Konig and Keegan in the gym doing their work outs without their shirts. She stood there for looking at their muscular chests and abs as she can feel herself blushing. Turning away and grab herself a whisky and a glass. Pouring herself a glass and took a drink as she sighs and looks ahead. She knows where is everyone besides one person and that was Alejandro. She sighs and thinks he was probably working in his room or somewhere that she didn't check. Just then, strong arms wrapped around her as she smiles a bit as she knows those arms as they hold her once when she was on her period.

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