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Morning came and (Y/n) and Price was still asleep while Price was holding her close to his chest. Price woke up to the sound of her phone notification. He looked over at her phone and saw that she got an email, then looks back down at (y/n) that was in his strong arms. He smiles and leans in and kisses her forehead as she stirred awake and slowly open her eyes and looks up at Price.

"Morning sunshine." Price said with a soft tone of his voice.

"Morning." She said and snuggled closer to his chest as he smiles more while feeling his heart skip a beat. "What time is it?"

"Well, that I don't know. I know it's morning and the men are slowly waking up because I have not heard them up yet," Price said as she nodded and sits up a bit and stretched as Price watched her. "You know you are exquisite." She looks at him with a smile.

"Thanks Price." She said and ran her fingers through her hair.

Price sits up and wraps his arms around her and pulls her close and lays his head on her shoulder while nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck. She giggled when his beard brushed against her neck and this made Price smile more and start brushing his bearded chin on her shoulder as she giggled more.

"Price that tickles." She said as Price chuckled.

"How are you feeling? Better than last night?" Price asked as she smiles and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better." She said and looks at him.

Looking into his eyes as he looks back with a smile, reaching up and moves some of her hair out of her face and leans soon. (Y/N) blush and bite her bottom lip a bit before leaning in and place her lips against his. Price place a hand on her cheek and leans in more while pushing her down to the bed and deepens the kiss. She felt her heart speed up by this and slowly wrap her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss back. Price kiss away from her lips and down to her neck as she moans softly.

"Price." She whispers as he kisses her neck some more before pulling away and look down into her eyes.

"I know the others have feelings for you but I really adore you (Y/n)." Price whispers and gazes into her eyes with love and affection as she looks back with wonder and love.

"I know...but I can't choose." She said as Price nodded.

"I know. Maybe one day you will choose one of us and just to tell you all of us will be happy with your choice," Price said as she smiles and looks into his eyes.

"Thank you Price." She said and place a hand on his chest as he reached up and place a hand on top of hers.

"Anything for you, my love," Price said with a smile and give her one more kiss before getting up.

(Y/n) got up and watched Price walk to the door before turning around and look at her with a smile. She smiles back as Price walks out of her room, then closes the door behind him. She sighs and starts getting ready for today; she changed into a plaid shirt with skinny pants and some shoes as she did her hair a bit. She grabbed her phone and check it as there was an email about her book as she got another payment of two thousand dollars into her bank account. She smiles as she put her phone away then heads out of her room and to the kitchen where Keegan and Graves were cooking.

"Morning you two," (Y/n) said as both Keegan and Graves turn around and look at her with a smile.

"Morning." Both of them said at once as she smiles at them.

She grabs her cup and starts getting coffee ready. After a while, everyone head downstairs and starts eating some breakfast as Price walks over to (y/n) and grabs a cup and starts getting himself some coffee.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Soap asked as (y/n) took a sip from her coffee.

"Let's do something fun," Gaz said while taking a bite of his toast.

"How about we go out?" Keegan asked as everyone agreed, including (y/n).

"Well, I know some places to go to." (Y/n) said as she pulls out her phone and start looking up at stuff to do around them. "There is the arcade, karaoke, ice skating at the hockey stadium, axe holes, or the zoo, which is cold and a little of snow, so I think they are not open." She told them as everything thought for a bit.

"How about this? We go to the arcade first and have fun there, then at night we have fun at the karaoke and have a couple of drinks." Alejandro said as everyone agreed and (Y/n) can't wait for today now.

"When do we leave?" Ghost asked.

"Well, the arcade opens at nine in the morning and it's seven, so we can wait here for a bit and eat a good meal and get ready for today." (Y/n) said as Ghost nodded.

"Cool! I'm going to get changed and ready for this awesome day!" Soap said and finished his coffee, then head up to his room to get ready for today.

Everyone did the same thing besides (Y/n) as she booked for the night karaoke for their own room and had fun. Little did (Y/n) know that all the men were having a meeting upstairs. Price looks at the others with his arms crossed.

"Okay, I know we all love her and here is the plan. Each of us is going to have alone timed with her today at the arcade." Price said, as everyone nodded.

"So who is going first?" Alejandro asked as Price thought.

"How about we pick straws?" Graves asked, and everyone agreed.

"But what straws?" Konig asked.

"How about this? We hold our hands behind our backs, then pick a number and whoever has the higher number will go with (y/n) first." Gaz said.

"Okay, let's do this," Ghost said.

Everyone holds their hands behind their backs, then they count down, then show their hands as everyone looks down at their hands. Keegan had the highest number than Konig, Graves, Price, Ghost, Alejandro, Gaz and lastly Soap. Everyone nodded and start getting ready for the day once they are all ready they head down and join (Y/n) in the living room as she was all ready with a hat on that is a black beanie and have her wallet and keys.

"Alright, let's get going!" She said with a little happy in her voice, then head out to her car with the others on her tail.

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