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Everyone was still asleep besides Ghost as he woke up and notice that his head was on (Y/n) shoulder and slowly sits up as he looks at her with a smile and saw that Konig's head was on her lap. He then looks at her face as she looks peaceful, and he reached up and move some of her hair out of her face. This steer her as she open her eyes and blink twice before looking up at Ghost.

"Morning," Ghost whispers as she smiles a bit.

"Morning Ghost." (Y/n) whispers back and looks around to see that the others are still asleep, and she smiles.

Konig woke up and slowly sits up as he stretched and look down at her with a blush behind his mask. The three look at each other before they slowly stood up and walk out of the living room and to the kitchen to get some coffee. Ghost and Konig have their masks up above their noses sipping the coffee while (Y/n) look at them wondering what their true face looks like. Like their full face, are there scars, what color their hair is and how long their hair is? She shook her head and drink out of her Stitch cup as the three waited for the others to wake up.

"So, what are we doing today?" Ghost asked.

"Yeah, anything planned out for today?" Konig asked while looking over at her.

"I was thinking of doing some work on my gaming as I have played none games for a while and need to earn some money from making videos. Plus, I think my online friends will be worried about me. For you know, not being on for a while." (Y/n) said as the two nodded.

"Yeah, I have something to do online work." Konig said as she nodded.

"So I guess work day?" Ghost said with a bored tone as (Y/n) laugh at his tone.

"I guess so, well I will not eat and I will be in my gaming room." She said and grab her cup and walks off to the game room.

Once she was in the game room, she logged in and put her headset on and start playing her games while doing a live stream. For Ghost and Konig, Konig finished up his cup and head up to his room and changed clothes and grab his laptop and start doing his work online while Ghost went to the gym downstairs and turn on the music and start doing pull-ups. The others slowly woke up and start heading to the kitchen and make their food for this morning and coffee. Some of them went to their rooms and change clothes and start doing their online work and some just head to the gym or go back to sleep like Alejandro. He was hugging a pillow and falls back asleep. Keegan and Graves were at the gym with Ghost while Price was doing some work online and Soap and Gaz were looking for (Y/n).

"We checked everywhere and still no sign of her." Gaz said as Soap huffs till he knows there was one room they have not checked.

"Come on." Soap said and head off to the game room with Gaz on his tail.

Once they got to the room, they can hear laughter and talking as they open the door and peek in and saw her playing on her game and doing a live stream. She was laughing at some comments till she went quiet and saw one question one fan asked.

"Do I have a boyfriend?" She said out loud and this spark both Gaz and Soap interest and listen closely. "Not really. I mean, I guess I don't know...I am seeing somebody, but I am not saying who that is private." She said as she finished up the game. "Well, that is all the questions for today. I will be back on when I am free. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day." She said and log out of her live and turn off her game.

"So, who is your boyfriend?" She turns around and saw Gaz and Soap standing there with smirks on their faces.

"I don't know...why are you two snooping around?" She smirked at them with her arms crossed.

"We were just looking around for you." Soap said, while leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah, everyone is doing their own thing and we want to hang out with you." Gaz said and walks over and grab her hand and pulls her up from her chair as she laughs.

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