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The next morning Alejandro woke up and saw that (Y/n) was still in his arms as he smiles and hold her close. They stayed in bed for a while till her phone gone off and Alejandro open his eyes, look over at her phone and see what it was and it was a notification that someone was in the backyard. This alarmed Alejandro and he gently gets out of bed and head to the bathroom where his clothes was at and puts on his clothes. Once he was dress he head down as he saw that Price and Graves were up.

"Someone is here." Alejandro said as the two look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Graves asked till there was a glass broke downstairs and this stir them and the doors open with the others as they heard the noise as well.

"What was that?" Soap asked as he have his gun in his hand.

"I think someone is breaking in." Price said.

"We'll check it out. Soap, Keegan, Konig with me." Ghost said and grab his gun and head down with Keegan, Soap, and Konig.

The four head down with their guns in their hands and start checking the place. They spot a broken window, but they see no broken entry, so they walk around some more till they saw nothing missing or no one inside so Soap walked over to the window and saw a brick. Soap picked up the brick and saw there was a note and he looks at it as it just says Coming for you ~J. Soap knows who it was as there was only one person he met that wants to get to (y/n). Jim.

"Everything seems clear." Konig said as Soap nodded and hand the note to Ghost.

"It's Jim..." He said as Ghost looks at the note and glares down at the note then looks at Soap.

"Should we tell her?" Keegan asked.

"Yes, so she knows. If we keep quiet about it, she might be in danger." Ghost told them as they nodded.

They head back up where Gaz, Price, Alejandro, and Graves look at them as Ghost shows the note to them and they nodded as they know who it was as well. Just then (y/n) walked down with a tired look on her face.

"What was that noise?" She asked while rubbing her eyes to get the sleeps out of her eyes.

"Someone throw a brick at the back window." Soap said as Graves hands her the note. "And they left a note."

She took the note and looks down at it as she sighs and shook her head as she can't believe that it's happening. She looks down then looks at the men as they look at her with worried and concern looks.

"I know this is alarming, but this is not the first time he did this...I will be okay. Just ignore it." She said as Soap step forward.

"We will not ignore this (Y/n). Look, I don't know about your past when you deal with this, but this is not right. We will do anything for you and we all will protect you." Soap told her while looking into her eyes as she looks back.

"Okay...but it's still nothing bad." She said while looking away.

"Well, we will still keep our guard up and protect you (y/n). You are very important to us," Price said as everyone agreed and she can't help but tear up at this.

"Okay...thank you I guess..." she said while wiping the tears away and Soap and Gaz walked up to her and hugs her.

"Well, let's go see how bad the window's broken. Maybe we can fix it and get a new one." Graves said, while heading down with Price and Keegan.

"I'll get something cooking this morning." Konig said while Ghost follows him.

"I'll go outside and see if he is still around." Alejandro said and head down then outside to check the perimeter of the house.

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