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The next morning (y/n) woke up with Keegan's arm around her as she sighs and close her eyes as she was tired from working a little late from last night. She snuggled into his warmth as he holds her close to his chest. Keegan smiles and smells her scent. Keegan stayed awake as (Y/n) was back asleep. He can't help but fall for her beauty that he never seen a woman like her before. He wanted to kiss her and have her as his own, but he knows he was not alone. The others have the same feeling, but they really don't know how to show it like Keegan is. That's why he didn't go to the room that she made for him, he want to stay close to her as much as passable and maybe win her heart. Keegan looks at the time of her clock that was next to her bed, and he knows the others are up. He slowly moved his arm away and sets up then gets out of bed. He looks over at her and smiles while walking over to her side and kiss her cheek as she moans and moves in her sleep. Keegan chuckled, then head out of her room and across to his room and get dressed. Price was walking down the hallway and stopped by (y/n) door and knocked and wait for a bit before opening the door and peek in and saw (Y/n) was still asleep. He walked up to her and place a hand on her shoulder and shook her a bit as she moans and rolls over as she was still asleep. Price sighs and tried again but nothing as he took the hint that she won't wake up. He looks down at her sleep form and move some of her hair out of her face as she smile a bit in her sleep and this made Price smile down at her. Price walks out of her room and shuts the door behind him as Keegan walked out of his room and both look at each other. Just then, there was a loud bang, and both Price and Keegan ran over to the sound. They got to the room where they came from and saw a new guy that this shocked Price. The man looks around in confused till he saw Price, then the others came in the same room with their weapons out and ready.

"Graves?" Soap asked, as this shocked him to see Phillip Graves there.

"Where am I? I was in my office, then I'm here." Phillip said as everyone sighed.

"I guess I will tell you," Price said.
Back to (Y/n) she did heard the bang as she groans and slowly sits up as she stretches a bit with a yawn, getting out of bed and change clothes into a red flannel and gray sweatpants. Once she's dressed, she headed out and see what the boys did this time. She heard talking and a new voice that she heard before. Walking into the room where everyone was at and they all turn their attention to her and Phillip looks at her.

"Looks like you have one more joining us," Price said as she looks at Phillip.

"Oh hello, welcome to my home." She said with a tired voice, and Phillip nodded.

"Um, hello and uh, thanks." Phillip said as she nodded and head out of the room and start getting some food ready for the men.

'Looks like I am going out shopping for Phillip Graves now.' She thought to herself while making herself some coffee. She then makes breakfast for the group as Konig and Soap walk in and start helping her with breakfast. After a while, making some pancakes, eggs, toast, sausages, and coffee. Konig was dealing with toast and Soap was doing the eggs while (y/n) was doing the pancakes and sausages. Keegan, Ghost and Gaz walked in and start sitting at the table while the three still cook breakfast. For Price and Alejandro they were still talking to Phillip Graves about this world and that he need to act like a normal person not a solider any more (Well for now in our world) and Phillip thought it was crazy but sounds nice that he does not have to take orders now. Alejandro left to join the others as the air smells nice from the pancakes, eggs, sausages and toast.

"Come on, breakfast is one on the table." Price said and left the room with Phillip follow him behind.

Once everyone was in the dining room and Konig and Soap help (y/n) set the table and place the food on the table. Konig and Soap sit down while (y/n) went to get the coffeepot, then head back in and fill up their mugs with coffee. Everyone dug in and enjoyed the food while (y/n) went and sat down next to Price. Everyone was enjoying the food and they like the taste of the pancakes and sausages that (y/n) did. Price leans over and starts talking to (y/n).

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