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The next day everyone was getting ready for the road trip to the zoo as (Y/n) text them they are going out of town to the zoo today. They were happy that they are going to the zoo because it's been a long time since they ever been at a zoo and be themselves besides Ghost and Konig. They had never been at the zoo before and Konig was kinda nervous while Ghost was iffy about it. Everyone dressed nice but not too nice, just plan shirt and jeans as they are waiting by the door for (y/n) to come down. She was in her bathroom looking at herself in the mirror with red puffy eyes, as she was lucky that they didn't see her yet. She sighs and looks at herself in the mirror as she is in a white crop top with no sleeves, a black flannel, and tight pants. One pant leg was red and the other one was black. She wears walk-able shoes, as she knows it's going to be a long walk. She looks at herself again in the mirror as the red eyes slowly goes away and look normal as she nodded.

"Okay, just have fun and don't worry about anything." She said with a smile, then walks out of the bathroom and head down to where the others are at.

Soap looks up when he saw her he can't help but feel his heart skip a beat as she walked down. Soon everyone looks up and can't help but look at her with their hearts beat faster at the sight of her. She put on a smile when she was now next to them.

"Ready boys?" She asked as they all nodded, as some of them forgot to speak.

"Yes, we are ready..." Ghost said was the first one to speak as everyone snap out of their own little world and nodded.

"Alright, let's head into the car." She said and head out as everyone follows.

Once they were all in the car, Soap, Ghost, Konig, was in the very back. Keegan, Alejandro, Gaz, and Graves were in the middle and Price was up front with (Y/n) as she was driving off to the zoo. Sure, it's cramped in the car, but they are having fun as they are talking about what animals they will see. They all sing songs on the road and some are on their phones taking pictures till they made it to the zoo, and it's packed like a Disney World parking lot. They parked in a spot, then they all got out and head to the entry and got payed in then walk into the zoo. Once they walked in, there was a wide open space where kids and people walked around talking and taking pictures, a moving ball with water coming from it in the middle. Price went to get a map while the others are looking around, trying to think where to go first. When Price came back with some maps (Y/n) was looking at some kids having fun with a peacock that was showing its feathers. She smiles at them as Graves saw this and smiles while walking over to her and wrap his arm around her shoulder and she looks up at him.

"Kids are the most inspiring thing in the world." Graves said as she nodded.

"Yes, they are." She said with a smile before leaning into his chest as Price came over with a map.

"I got some maps and maybe we can vote to where to head off first," Price said as she nodded and took the map.

"That sounds like a good idea." (Y/n) said.

So they look at the map and they made their own trail for where they are going to do and where they want to go. Once they voted to go around the place wins and they headed around the zoo enjoying the animals. Then went to the desert animals first and they look at lizards, little foxes, turtles, birds, and other desert animals. They head to the swamp and (Y/n) didn't like it that much as her legs shook while walking on a bridge over alligators. Soap laughs while holding her hand but he was a little shaken himself but he was not showing it. Once they made it out, she sighs and still holds Soap's hand as Gaz came over and holds her other hand and they head over to the reptile. They get to touch a snake as one of the zoo workers was holding the snake. Konig was a little iffy with the snake but when he saw (y/n) touching the snake, he soon touched it so he won't feel left out. They went everywhere at the zoo till Konig want to go to the petting zoo and they all went to the petting zoo. Seeing the baby animals as (y/n) can't help from their cuteness as she plays with a baby lion cub. As the others are petting with other animals, they stay there for a bit before they left and head off to the aquarium. Once they were there, the sea animals fascinated them and all kinds of fish in the water.

"Wow." Soap and Gaz said when they see a big shark.

Everyone was enjoying the aquarium and (Y/n) was walking alongside of the tank so that you can touch the rays as she reached down and touched one as she smiles. Price walked over to her and reaches down and touches the rays as well.

"How are you?" Price asked as she sighs.

"I'm okay, just a little upset last night, but I can't get that to me." She said as Price nodded and looks at her as she looks back.

"We all love you and we just want you to be happy." Price said as she looks up at him and hugs him as he hugs back.

"Thank you, Price, for being there for me...you are really like a dad in this group." She said as he chuckled.

"Someone needs to keep you all in line." Price said as she smiles as a tear roll down her cheek and he notices this. "Come on, let's have some more fun here." He said and reach up and wipe the tear away.

"Okay." she whispers as he smiles down at her, then looks down at her lips, then back into her eyes.

"Hey Price, you got to check this fish out!" Soap called out as Price sighs and smiles.

"I'm coming." Price heads over to see what Soap wants him to see.

"Hey." She turns and saw Ghost.

"Hey Ghost." She whispers with a smile as he smiles behind his mask. "Having fun?"

"Kinda, but I was hoping maybe we can be together alone someday..." Ghost said as she smiles.

"Like a date? Sure, that sounds like fun." She said as he did a nod and held her hand.

"How about tomorrow?" Ghost asked as she smiles.


"Good..." He looks down at her as she was looking ahead at the group with a small smile.

"You know what Ghost...I hope things like these won't go away. Like I hope you all are here to stay for good and if I wake up one day, you all won't be here anymore. That...that scares me." She whispers as Ghost looks at her with sad eyes.

He's scared to leave her alone as he was happy in this world. No wars, no worried about surviving on a battlefield, feel more close to his friends, and his love for (y/n). He thought about leaving her for good terrified him. He reached over and hold her hand as she holds his hand back. Both of them look at each other as she smiles at him as his heart skip a beat from her smile.

"Come on." She said and walk over to the others while holding his hand and Ghost walks with her.

Some time walking around the zoo and enjoying the animals till they went to the gift shop. They got some little things and some shirts as they want to remember the time of their time at the zoo. Once everyone got something from the gift shop, they head to the car as the day turn into night as they stayed at the zoo all day long. (Y/n) head to a fast food place to order on the go. Once they got something to eat (Y/n) drove back home. When they got home, they head inside as they are talking about their day and showing their pictures they took on their phones. Once everyone was calm down and headed off to bed, one by one they went to bed till it was only Ghost and (y/n) was up.

"So what is your plan for tomorrow?" She asked Ghost as he thought for a moment.

"How somewhere nice to eat at?" He mention as she nodded.

"Sounds like a good date plan." She said with a smile as he smiles back but behind the mask. "Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight." Ghost said as he watched her head up to her room before he heads off to his room.

Everyone slept with happy thought in their heads as (y/n) can't wait for tomorrow to be with Ghost as Ghost was the same thing. The rest of the night, everyone slept peacefully. 

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