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The next morning Gaz woke up with a smile on his face and notice it was early and (y/n) was still asleep in his arms as he quietly snuck his arms away from her and gets out of bed without waking her up. Getting his clothes back on as he heads out and to his room, on the way to his room Keegan walks out of the bathroom and saw Gaz heading to his room and he figure out he slept with (y/n) last night and he felt a ping of jealous in his chest. He was ready for today, as he was in shorts and a shirt with his mask. Heading down to the basement to grab a drink to calm down his jealousy. Drinking some whisky and vodka as he drinks hard today. Everyone woke up and get ready for today as (y/n) woke up alone in bed and gets dress with her bikini as she was thinking of having a sunbath as it was going to be very sunny and nice out. She heads down and skip breakfast and morning coffee as she heads right outside to get the chairs out and things ready for the outside like the tables and long chairs for laying down. Alejandro and Graves saw this and went out and help her out as she was happy that they helped with that. When the three of them are done setting the outside all set and ready, they head inside and they can hear yelling going on in the kitchen. She wondered what is going on and saw a drunk Keegan as he was yelling at Gaz and Gaz was yelling back. She never seen them mad at each other before, but it was about something.

"Tell me you did not just slept with her and fucked her." Keegan yelled as he hands were in a fist and she felt shame in her.

"Keegan, you need to calm the fuck down, and Gaz was not the only one that slept with her." Soap said as he was trying to calm things down, and this made Keegan even more pissed off.

"You slept with her also?! Who else?" Keegan asked as Price sighs.

"That doen't matter, you are. Drunk, you need to calm down." Price said.

"Calm down? Calm down?! I am in a slut's house. She is sleeping with every man that her eyes land on!" Keegan yelled as this made (Y/n) heart ping with hurt.

"You really think of me like that?" She asked with a crack voice as Keegan turn around with anger but soon regret when he saw her in tears.

"(Y/n)." Keegan said, but she was not having it. She ran off to her room with a soft cry and everyone glares at Keegan.

"I think you need to calm the fuck down right now and collect yourself before going to her and apologize to her!" Ghost yelled with anger and left to head off to her room.

"I...I didn't mean to..." Keegan whispers while looking down, as everyone was pissed off with Keegan and left him alone for him to calm down and get sober up.

Ghost knocked on (y/n) door as he can hear soft cries in her room and his heart broke by the sound and anger raged in him but he pushes that feeling down and open the door. She was lying on her bed while hugging a pillow and have her head barred in her pillow while weeping softly.

"Love." Ghost spoke in a soft voice as she sniff and hugs the pillow closer to her face.

"Go away Ghost." She whispers as he sighs and walks over and sits down on the bed.

Places his hand on her back and gently rubs her back. He stayed there even though she told him to leave, but he stayed while rubbing her back as she cried softly before calming down and sniffed. She pulls her head away from the pillow and looks at Ghost with sad and hurt eyes.

"Do you think I am a slut?" She asked as this caught off Ghost guard and shook his head no.

"No, I don't think so. Just ignore Keegan's words. He is drunk. Mostly when you're drunk, you don't know what you are saying or doing." Ghost said softly as she sniffs and moves over and hugs him as he hugs back. "Sometimes it's the best to forget what others think or say about you. That's what I do. I pushed down the feeling and forget about what the say or do to me and keep my head up high while moving forward."

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