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During the day (Y/N) got things all set up for her new guest that she does not know how long they are going to be staying because she needs to figure out on how to get them back to their world. She only has three rooms ready, so they have to share rooms and one has to share with her. The men were doing their own research about themselves on the internet and she didn't know if that was a good idea or not, but she want them to know that they were fictional, not real in this world. The day turns into night as everyone got all the information about this world and that they are not real in this world so they can't do much but be citizen. We all head upstairs and (y/n) told them where they were going to sleep at.

"Okay men, I got your rooms all set up." (Y/N) told them as they all were looking at her. "So I made the rooms just for two of each. So listen up. Price and Alejandro, you two are together in that room." I pointed to the end of the door as they nodded. "Gaz and Soap next to them, Konig and Ghost in the other one and Keegan is going to be sharing with me." (Y/N) told them as they nodded and Ghost has his arms crossed.

"So we can go to bed anytime then, or is there a curfew?" Gaz asked as (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders.

"Up to you, I don't mind if you stay up and all just don't be too loud." (Y/n) told them as Gaz nodded.

"Hey do you have any beers?" Keegan asked as (y/n) nodded then walks back downstairs to the kitchen with them following her like a lost puppy and open the fridge as there were beers in there. "Thanks."

"Yup, just make yourself at home as I do some work." She said and head off to back upstairs and to her book room to work on her book.
Once she got to the room, the room had books everywhere. Manga on one side and the other side were normal books and in the middle was a comfy-looking chair couch beanbag with a laptop and a small desk by it. Sitting down on the beanbag chair couch, she pulled my laptop and open it as the document was open and words of her work of her love story. After sometime as she was still working on her book, there was a knock at the door and she stopped and look up as the door open and Price.

"Yes?" I asked as Price looks around the room and looks at her.

"We are going to head to bed," Price said as she smiles at him.

"Okay, night." She went back to work as Price tilt his head.

"Are you going to bed?" Price asked as she nodded.

"Yup, after this paragraph, then I will head off to bed. Night Price." she told him as Price nodded and walks out.

After a while she was finished with her paragraph and shut her laptop as she sighed and gets up. Stretching a bit before getting up and head out of her working reading room, she saw everyone went to be besides Keegan as he was still up waiting for her to get done. She saw him and he looks at her as they just look at each other.

"Um." Both of them said at once before Keegan coughs and stood up a bit from his spot.

"You ready to go to bed?" Keegan asked as she nodded.

"Yeah, come on, I will show you my room." She told him and walks off with him on her tail.

'Shit, I forgot I have to share a room with someone, and that someone is Keegan P. Russ. Plus, my room is full of my precious stuff and how can I get him to sleep on the bed? I mean, the bed is a queen so it can hold up to three people if it wants, but damn it! Most of the bed was covered with plushies and other things.' (Y/N) thought to herself. "Um, wait here." She told him and hurried to her room as she got the plushie net and put it in the room's corner, then put the plushies and the other things up on the net.

"Wow, nice room." Keegan said as she turn and saw him in the doorway as he was scanning the room.

"Thanks." She said and place the last plushie on the net before walking to her bed that is all clear now. "You can come in now if you like." She told him as he walks in and head over to the bed.

She was still in her PJs, so she didn't have to worry about changing in front of Keegan, but she does not know what he should wear. In fact, she doesn't know what the others are wearing either for bed. Maybe shirtless and in their boxers. This made (Y/N) blush, thinking them in their boxers and shirtless showing their abs and such. Shaking her head as she gets into bed, and waits for Keegan to get in bed as well.

"So we are sharing the bed?" Keegan asked as she sits up and looks at him.

"Yeah, for now, till we figure out how to get you guys back into your world." I told him and he nodded.

Keegan takes off his gear and his clothes as she blushes and lays back down, looking away as he was undressing himself. He was now in his boxers and his undershirt as he got into bed beside her. They stayed quiet for a moment till she slowly drifts off to sleep as she can hear Keegan whisper night then everything went dark. The next morning came and (Y/N) woke up with something over her waist, she looks down and notice it was an arm. A very muscle arm, she froze and turn her head slowly and see a sleeping Keegan behind her without his mask and no makeup around his eyes. He looks so handsome and all she wants to do was kiss him, but she fought the urge to kiss him right now. Turning away as she sighs and tried to get out of bed, but Keegan's grip tighten and pulls her closer as she made an 'ep' sound.

"Stay for a bit, sweetheart." Keegan whispers softly and starts kissing her neck as her face turn bright red.

"Nope." she said and tried to get up, but Keegan holds her down as she gasp. "Keegan."

"Shh...please you are an exquisite woman I have ever met. Just let me have this moment." Keegan said, and this made her heart beat fast.

"Thanks, but I have to check on something!" She said and with one more pull away, she got out of his grip and fall off the bed with a loud thud with a loud scream.

The door bursted open as Price and Alejandro were walking by and heard her scream. They look around for any threat till they saw Keegan sitting up in bed and looking down to the floor. They follow their gaze to the floor and saw (Y/N) on the ground face down.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Price asked with a chuckle while walking over to her and help her up as her face was all red.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks Price." She said as she looks up at Price with a small smile.

"What happened?" Alejandro asked as her face turn more red.

"Nothing! Just fall out of bed, that all." (Y/N) said and pulls away from Price and head off to the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Price asked as Keegan shrugged. As he did not want to tell them what really happened.

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