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Everyone was in the kitchen as (y/n) was getting ready for the date with Ghost as Ghost was already ready and was in the kitchen with the others telling them that (Y/n) and him are going out for lunch and they were okay with it. Once she was ready, she head down where Ghost was at the door and when he looks over and saw her walking over as she was wearing a yellow dress with her hair done up a bit. Ghost looks at you like a goddess and his heart skips a beat once (Y/n) was now next to him. The others look at Ghost with jealousy.

"You ready Ghost?" She asked as Ghost snaps out of it and nodded.

"Yeah." He said and walked out with (Y/n) behind him. "I'll drive us there."

"Okay." (y/n) said as they get inside the car and Ghost drove off to their destination.

Sometime they made it to their destination and they get out of the car and into the small restaurant as there were few people there. They sit down and look at the menus when they know what to eat they order and now waiting for the food to come. Ghost looks at (y/n) with a soft look as his eyes travel down to her chest where he spotted the bullet necklace he made for her and this made his heart swell with glee.

"I see you have the necklace that I made for you." Ghost said as she looks down at her chest and reached up while placing her fingers on the bullet.

"Yes...I never take it off." She replied with a smile and looks at him.

This made Ghost feel so much emotion, but he did not show it much. He just nods and looks down as she smiles at him. As she knows, he doesn't really show much emotion, but she can tell he was happy. They sat there in silence till Ghost thought of something.

"So, how are you feeling? You know when the window accident and the note from Jim?" He asked as she looks down a bit and sighs.

"I guess I am doing okay. Still feel a little scared by it, but I'm used to it." She told him as he felt bad that she was used to it.

"No one should be used to fearing their ex, especially when you are trying to live a life, but I guess sometimes some people feared by their ex." Ghost said as (y/n) nodded and look down he reached over and took her hand. "But I am here for you if you need anything. So is the others."

"I know, but one day I am going to wake up and you all are going to be gone." She said with sadness in her voice.

"Well...I hope that never happens." Ghost said while rubbing her hand with his thumb as she looks down at their hand.

"Me too." She said with a small smile.

The food came, and they ate in silence, but it was a comfortable silence, finished eating and payed for the bill. They head out and just walk around the town hand in hand. Some children run around laughing as Ghost watched them as he was thinking about his past and (Y/n) can tell something was on his mind. She squeezed his hand as he looks over and she was smiling up at him. He squeezed her hand back, telling her he was okay. They walked for a bit before heading back to the car. Once in the car Ghost drove back home and (y/n) looks at him.

"Ghost." She said.

"Simon...just call me Simon." Ghost said as she nodded.

"Simon...can you sleep with me tonight?" She asked, and he looks over at her, then back at the road.

"You sure?" He asked, as she nodded.

"Yes, I am sure." She said softly as he reached over and place a hand on hers as hand was larger than hers.

"Okay." He said as he drove up in the driveway and park the car in the garage.

Once he parked in the garage they get out of the car and Ghost walked over to her and hold her hand as she smiles and looks up at him. They walked inside and they can hear the group talking and laughing like a normal day for them. They were talking in the living room and she can see it was Price, Gaz, Soap and Alejandro. The others might be somewhere else. Ghost leans down and whispered in her ear.

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