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Price called the others to join them and everyone walked in and (y/n) saw Logan and Roach. She smiles at them till she realizes she has no more in her home for more people. Logan was looking at (y/n) up and down in silence while Roach looks a little nervous.

"Well, I guess it's time to find a new place or some of you have to don't mind sharing rooms again." She told them. "Because more and more men keep popping out of my house." She joked as Price and some others laughed.

"I guess we have to share rooms for now," Price said, as everyone agreed.

"Wait, where are we?" Roach asked.

"It's going to be a long story, but we can tell you." Ghost said.

"While you guys are telling these two the stuff, I am going to find room for them or rearrange for them to rooms." She told them and walks out and head off to her office.

(Y/n) was going through her blueprints of her house as she can't find any room for the two that came into the world. She sighs and slouch in her chair as Keegan walks in and place his hands on her shoulders.

"You know, I thought Ghost knows Roach and I know Logan. Maybe they can stay with us," Keegan said as she sighs.

"I know what happens. More and more men come into the world. I need to go find a new house." She said as Keegan thought that was not a bad idea so Jim can leave them alone.

"Maybe, but we have to see first, okay?" Keegan told her as she nodded.

"Okay, for now Logan will stay with you and Roach will be with Ghost." (Y/n) told him as he smiles and kiss her cheek.

"Don't stress about it. Everything will be fine." Keegan told her as she smiles.

"Thanks." She said as Keegan smile and left to meet up with Logan.

She pulls out her phone and orders two beds and two phones, then heads out where they are at. She smiles and looks down at herself as she has an anime shirt on and Naruto pants as she looks okay to go out. Looking up at them as she smiles.

"Well Logan, Roach, welcome to my world and time to go shopping." She said.

"Shopping?" Logan asked.

"For clothes and stuff." She told them.

"I will come with." Ghost said while grabbing his phone.

"Me too." Keegan said.

"Okay, for just the five of us?" (y/n) asked as everyone nodded. "Okay, let's go."

She heads out of her place with Roach, Logan, Keegan, and Ghost behind her. Getting in her car as she drives off to the mall. Once they got to the mall, they went Men's clothes store and she let them go shopping as she gave them money to spend over one thousand dollars. (Y/n) was walking in Hot Topic and got some new clothes and other things. Time flies by and they got what they want and head back home. On their way there, a black car was following them. Ghost notice this and didn't want to freak (y/n) out.

"Hey can we get take out? For supper?" Ghost asked as (y/n) smiles.

"Sure." She said and drive off to KFC to get two buckets of chicken, coleslaw, potatoes, and buns.

They got the food and the black car still follows them and Ghost sighs and pulls out his phone and text Keegan and the others. Keegan got a text and look at his phone and saw that it was from Ghost and he opens the text that was attached to the group chat.

Ghost: We got company.

Price: What do you mean? Are you safe?

Ghost: I don't know, this black car has been following us for a while.

Keegan: Shit Ghost is right, I thought they where going the same place as us but when we got KFC they are still following us.

Soap: What should we do?

Graves: Well she have another car, but I don't think she will like us scratching up her vehicles.

Alex: I'm with Graves with that one.

Konig: Who is good at sniper? I mean I always want to be a sniper but I can do it.

Price: No we are not killing anyone. Ghost tell (y/n) to drive faster and head straight home I have an idea.

Alejandro: I think I know what you are thinking.

Ghost: Okay I will tell her that.

Gaz: Keep her safe.

Keegan: We will.

When Keegan and Ghost put their phones down, Keegan whisper something to Logan and Roach as they listen carefully and Ghost looks at the mirror to see if that black car is still following them.

"(Y/n) do you mind if you could drive faster? I think I need to use the bathroom." Ghost told her as she nodded and drive faster.

The black car slowly picks up the pace. At the house, Price told the men his plan and they all got their stuff and head out by the road while Soap had his sniper gun and is ready to aim at anything that might happen. Some time they came around the corner and the black car slowly stops as Soap take aim as the black car stayed there while (Y/n) car drove to the garage.

"He knows something is up." Soap whispers.

"Shit." Alejandro said as he have binoculars and was looking at the driver. "It's Jim, with some other men dressed in black."

"Should we scare them off?" Konig asked while it was just Price, Alejandro, Soap, and Konig out, while Gaz, Alex, and Graves were at the house to not make it too obvious that they were all gone.

"Sure, aim at their hood," Price told him.

"Rodger." Soap said and aim at the hood of the car and pulled the trigger as the bullet hit the hood and that made Jim and the other men in the car ducked down. They drive off fast and head off as Soap sighs. "Target has gone."

"Affirmative." Price said.

"Nice shot." Konig said.

"Thanks Konig." Soap said as they all step out of their spot and head up to the house.

Once they got to the house, Logan and Roach were talking to Ghost and Keegan as they were talking about Jim and stuff so they know what is going on till (y/n) step out of nowhere in front of Price and Alejandro.

"Where were you four?" She asked with her arms crossed.

"Target practice?" Konig said as she raised an eyebrow at them.

"Look, lass, someone was following you, so we scared them off." Soap said as her eyes widen.

"Do you know who it was?" She asked.

"Jim and some other men," Price told her.

"But we scared them off." Alejandro said as she looks scared.

"Hey, it's okay. We are here for you," Price said and pulls her into a hug as she hugs back.

"I know...I just wish Jim stops this." She whispers.

"I know...how about we eat and we can talk about this later." Price said, as she nodded.

"Okay." she said as he smile so did the others.

They walked to the living room and everyone sit down and Roach and Logan have their masks off and she can't help but think they were cute and handsome. They all watched some sniper movies while eating KFC. When everyone finished eating, they head off to bed. Everyone went to their rooms and sleep, while (y/n) stayed up all night worrying about what happened today. She heard a knock at her door and she gets up and opens it as Alex stood there.

"I guess you can't sleep tonight." Alex asked as she nodded. "You don't mind if I sleep with you?"

"Sure Alex." she said with a thankful smile as Alex smiles and walks in.

Both of them lays down in bed and Alex holds her close as they both slowly fall asleep.

"I won't let anything happen to you babe," Alex whispers and kisses her forehead and holds her close as they sleep.

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