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chapter nine - dress

Lucy Caddel

"Your lip stuff is a bit um..." He points to the corner of my mouth.

"Oh, thanks." I wipe the red gloss with my finger.

I look into his green eyes as he watches me fix my gloss. They practically pierce my soul with butterflies.

"While we're here, we need to use code names," Harry states as we walk alongside each other.

"Code names? You're gonna name me after a fruit or something?" I joked.

"No no, like made-up names. My one is Vince, It's Latin." He stops and looks at me dead serious.

"Okay then, Vince. Should I do a Latin name too?" I asked.

"Sure, how about um... Veronica?" He smiles.

"Okay, Veronica, it is." I nodded.

"Vince and Veronica." He said out loud. "I like it."

We continue passing people, sipping drinks and arguing about the recent race.

"Look for a Spanish guy with a bodyguard that has dark hair shouldn't be too hard." Harry stops and looks around.

I scan the area around us. It's a large green field that's filled with people in race day clothes. Bright colours and funky hats. There's a massive crowd in the back corner as the horses from the recent race pass by.

"Over there, I reckon he's under the muck of that crowd." I nod and point it out to Harry.

"Alright." He says as we begin to walk closer.

We ducked and weaved around the crowd of people before we came to an opening that we instantly took advantage of. A man is walking by in a rich, red suit and gold lacings. His hair is dark brown and pushed up almost in a quiff. He looked like he was in his 30s roughly. A gold chain and a gold watch stand out against the deep red fabric suit.

Harry and I are squashed up against each other by swarming people. There's a barricade blocking everyone out from the show-off arena before the horses go out and come back from the race.

"Alonso! Can we get a photo!" Someone calls out next to me.

"That's our guy," I say to Harry.

Alonso turns his head and his dark eyes look at me. My heart thuds against my chest as he walks over, his bodyguard is perched right next to him like a shadow. We're now about a metre apart with the fence still separating us. I noticed Harry shifted closer too.

"What's your name, gorgeous?" He says, grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Veronica." I watch him kiss my hand and try not to pull it away from him.

"My name is Alonso, pleasure to make your acquaintance." He smirks.

"Likewise." I smile before I see him glare at Harry.

"Just her bodyguard." He says quickly.

"Ah, right." Alonso looks back at me. "I must take you to dinner tonight, Veronica." He says it as a statement rather than a question.

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