fifty five

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chapter fifty five - stay

Harry Edwards

I read a quote once. It said, "the evil of infatuation is illustrated by the drunkard".

But what is the difference when you're completely sober? A drunkard may have impaired vision, but they say drunk words are sober thoughts. The impaired vision alone will have no impact on his real thoughts or the words he spits out.

The blonde girl before me in the red dress was a reminder that illustrations had nothing on my sober thoughts. I saw what was before me and my besotted heart wanted her all to myself.


"Do you like it?" She twirls on the spot. The red fabric fell in all the right places around her body.

"Do I like it?" I paused and exhaled. "I love-."

"Harry! Taxis here!" Liam calls out and I don't think I've ever made such an obvious eye-roll.

"We'll just get our own!" I reassured him.

A door shut and I was left with the same tension as before. The same flustered smile and uncontrollable mind. She had new gold hoops in that I had also noticed, they complimented her well.

"Are you sure? We can still catch their taxi if you want? I don't want to be-."

"No, no, it's okay." I scooped my hand to her waist and felt the material at my fingertips. It's like I was touching the fire and my hands were just the fuel.

I reigned myself in from scrunching it up and creasing it, but her skin was so soft and so ached from my touch.

Her red lips tied the look together, the striking difference between it and her olive skin, and the way her blonde hair fell down her face. I wasn't going to have my priorities set straight tonight, knowing she was going to be next to me. She wasn't just going to be eye catching to me, but also to many others. I just knew it.

Each event we've been to has always resulted in something bad happening. I was going to protect her with my life tonight. I always have, but tonight was different. Tonight, people wouldn't go for her just because of a hard drive or the fact she's with me. They're going to go for her because of how entrancing she is.

"You look- you are beautiful." I said in a hushed tone to her ear after I pulled her closer to myself.

"I knew these buttons weren't real." Her laugh makes my eyes glance down to her feeling the buttons on the front of my shirt.

"Oh I- yeah, you know the way Zayn has his taste in clothing."

"It's quite admirable, isn't it? The clothes he chooses."

"You're going to drive me insane the more you talk about him, while I want to kiss you."

"Well I was kinda of waiting for you to-."

And within seconds after hearing those words, my lips latched onto hers. They devoured each last craving that was in its path. She exerted the same amount of passion into the kiss as I did. We were all over each other, backing slowly until the wall was felt at her back.

My finger twirled under the thin strapping of dress, gently and careful not to ruin anything. Her skin burned under my fingers like a sizzling pan, my other hand smoothing over the buttery fabric.

Her hands cupped my jaw before one slid to the back of my neck, intertwining into a curl. My mouth groaned into hers as a reaction to the starved touch. So starved that my hand went to her thigh and slowly dragged up her leg through the gap of the slit. I felt her body shiver under my body as our lips remained glued together.

"Harry." Her voice vibrated my mouth through the kiss.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"We should probably go." She says with a breathless laugh.

"We can't just stay here?" My lips brush against hers softly before pulling away. My clouded mind was spitting out all it's thoughts.

"As much as I love that idea, we have t-."

"Let's stay then." I traced my finger up the skin of her arm.

"Harry, you know we can't stay." She sighed and pressed her forehead against mine.

I gazed down to the V-shaped neckline of her dress. Her neck looked bare without the necklace as I remember the circular gold ring that used to be done up on a chain.

An idea came into my head. "Wait here."

I went back to where I set down my bags, pulling out a small velcro pouch. It's where I kept all my rings and my cross necklace when I travelled. I recently had this new necklace but I didn't like the chain on it because it was too thin. It's barely worn so I took off the random stone pendant that came with it.

I returned to where I left Lucy in the kitchen. "Do you have-." I stopped myself and glanced at my own hand. There was one very thin ring that was on my index finger. Most of my rings were wider or had some sort of detailing. This ring was just there, with no purpose. But I was about to give it one.

I slipped it off my finger and slid it down the thin, gold chain.

"What are you doing?" Her voice was hoarse and uncertain as she watched me.

"Turn around."

She hesitated before slowly turning her back towards me. I admired the open styled back on the dress that shown her skin. It was only a small opening but it was enough for me anyway. It looked so soft and gentle.

"Hold your hair." I say and she follows, lifting the blonde with her hand. I then slip the chain around her neck. The gold contrasts against her skin perfectly.

She turns around to me again, my arm extends as I hold the necklace clasp and its other end between two fingers. "Harry this is yours, I can't-."

"I want you to have it."


"Because, it's like your one. Except it's not a key." I chuckled. "I know you uh-, fiddle with it a lot and I just guessed it was something that might make you feel better."

"I do." She smiled. "That's really sweet of you, thank you, Harry."

"Of course. We should probably... go now."

She felt the necklace the way she would if it was her own, tracing her finger along the round circular edge. It looked as if it was always there. My stomach flipped around as I watched her.

She offered her hand to me and I grabbed it before we headed out the door. We were now heading into a new minefield. To me, it was familiar. But to her, it wasn't.

We have to obviously tread carefully, but not every trap is visible. You have to be steady before you place your next step in case it's a mine. Or in this case, a person that can blow us up into the wrong way. Because that might be the last step you take.

— —

End of chapter fifty five,
Thanks for reading!! <3

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