thirty four

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chapter thirty four - something on your mind

Harry Edwards

Samantha disappeared into the other room as she received the phone call. I had a wave of disbelief rush over me. I had to find Lucy and get out of here. I left Samantha's office and began looking.

"Lucy, I wasn't finished talking to you!" I heard Folan's voice down the hallway. I can just see someone running straight at me. I realize who it is and quickly grab her hand. I reach my other hand to the nearest door and pull it open, leading her into a small storage closet. It's dimly lit and cluttered with boxes and cleaning supplies. I close the door behind us, cutting off the sound of Folan's voice. I cup my hand over her mouth to stop any noise from escaping it.

Eventually, Folan's voice fades off and I take my hand off her mouth.

"Harry? What is going on?" She whispers, her eyes wide with fear.

Her back is still pressed against my chest, her body is trembling and cold.

"We need to get out of here," I take a step back to see her blue eyes which are now gray in the dark of this cleaning closet.

"What happened?"

"Either Samantha lied to my face, or Falcon has beaten us to it."

"What do you mean beaten us to it?"

I let out a sharp breath, "so Samantha started asking weird questions about the art show - who we talked to, when we talked to them, where we were when that incident happened. She just said it's a part of the investigation."

I watched her reaction change from panic to a confused, frown. "Did you tell her all that?"

"Only vaguely. She got a phone call before I even finished answering all of them. She left the room to answer- wait shh."

I brought my finger to my lip as people walked past the door again. Their steps were loud and intending to reach a place quickly by the pace. I brought my eyes to Lucy as she huddled herself in the corner adjacent to mine. A strand of blonde hair fell rogue in front of her eye. A couple of other strands tangled in her necklace, which she was now playing with using her finger.

As soon as the people had passed, I shifted my attention back to what we were talking about.

"As I was saying, she came back into the room and said she had to send two agents to California to retrieve something."

"Isn't that-."

"Yeah, so I guess that's where we're going next." I shrugged.

"Well, we have to get out of here first." She scoffed and reached for the door handle.

"Wait," I reached for her hand on the handle. "Samantha doesn't know where I went so she's gonna be suspicious of me now."

She nods at me. "Okay then, follow my lead."

She creeps out the door to the dark hallway, this time she's grabbed my hand and is now pulling me along. The lights begin to flicker back on, one by one down the hallway. People are shouting down the end, the familiarity of some of their voices.

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