thirty six

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chapter thirty six - green eyes

Lucy Caddel

I could never stay mad at people, I found that holding grudges never worked out. But with that mindset, I had also gained the idea that whatever I did, others used against me. Although, My Uncle told me that even if you try not to hold grudges, you still remember it.

The moment I saw Harry on the ground, I knew that image was going to haunt my mind. Not only was it a feeling of a stab to the heart, I had felt it was my fault. My fault that he is where he is now, and I don't know how he is.

"I can't believe he was drinking." Zayn rubs his head in the plastic seats next to me. We've been in the waiting room for about 20 minutes but it's felt a lot longer than that. "The whiskey bottle was a magnum size and is extremely strong. It's not like him to even drink on the job."

I tried to think of all the possibilities as to why he would do such thing, but none of them seemed reasonable. A lady emerged from behind the doors Harry went through and I shot up from my seat.

"He's okay." She grins at us. "He's just a little woozy because he lost a lot of blood."

"Can we see him?" I asked desperately. "Please?"

A phone rings next to me. It's Zayn's. "It's Liam, I'll come in soon." He takes the call and wanders off.

"Right this way." She led me down the corridor of many doors before we slowed outside of number 12. "He's just in here."

I hesitated before pulling down the cold handle and pushing the door inwards. Like always, the room is dreary and cold. I hated hospitals. It was the most uncomfortable place that brought the most uninvited feelings of worry and sadness.

"Hey, you." I see the familiar smile from the corner of the room.


His eyes followed me as I walked next to his bed, where he was sitting up. The nurse came in shortly after with her clipboard.

"I'm okay to go now, aren't I?" Harry's eyes pleaded at her.

"Not yet, we're still playing catch up with how much blood you lost. Tomorrow is the latest time we can give you."

"Tomorrow!" He raises his voice. "That's not good enough, I feel fine."

"I'm sorry, that's all we can do." She passively brushes off Harry's raised tone and leaves the room. Harry turns to me, I look away but I know his eyes are piercing right through.

"Are you okay?"

I look at him, raising an eyebrow. "You're asking if I'm okay?"

"Is that what you heard come from my mouth?" He asked, I nodded in return.

"Then yes I am, is that hard to believe?"

"You're the one in the hospital bed, not me." I shrugged. A lump built in my throat. I tried to play with my necklace in order to get rid of it, but that didn't work. Not when he's right there, not when he's looking at me like that.

"What's wrong?"

I didn't say anything. I just held myself as composed and still as I could, while he asked me a stupid question.

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