sixty two

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chapter sixty two - collide

Harry Edwards

Say something you fucking idiot! Were the words in my head that repeated during the car ride to Lucy's work.

Even when she looked at me before she walked inside the building, my mouth reigned itself in. It's like I was numbed from the outside in. It wasn't hard to see, that this girl had me hooked in. The bait being the charisma and beauty that she possesses.

The dying minutes as we waited, quickly turned onto an interrogation from Zayn.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "I don't know," I mumbled, unable to meet Zayn's gaze. "I just... didn't."

Liam leaned forward from the middle seat in the back with a frown. "Did I miss something?"

"Harry's just a lovesick fool."

There were Zayn's words again. Lovesick fool.

"Wait, you love-."

I interrupt Liam abruptly, shaking my head quickly. "No, I uh-... no." I try to play it off casually, but my heart racing and my palms sweating proved that I was never a good liar. Particularly when she was the subject of a conversation. It's like my head and heart collide, creating one big accident of decisions that are not well thought out.

After another ten minutes of quiet and anticipation, Lucy finally came through the building doors across the street. My gaze went straight to her, but that quickly changed when I saw the fearful look on her face. She jogged across the street and opened the car door, basically throwing herself into the car. Papers slid out across the black leather seat as she sat upright.

"Jeez, are you alright?" Liam asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Y-yeah just uh-." Her voice was raspy. "One of the security guys wouldn't let me out."

"And what did you do to him?" Zayn frowned.

"I kind of locked him in."

Zayn and Liam laugh as I linked eyes with her, unable to contain a proud smirk. She was puffing with cheeks a light pink. Her blonde hair fell around her face before she tucked it behind her ears. The ringtone from my phone cut off the moment quickly and I was snapped back to where I really was. I pick up the phone to see Samantha's name. Everyone goes quiet as I answer the call.

"Hello, Agent Edwards speaking."

"You need to come into facility 7 right now. Bring Lucy as well. Make it quick." She hangs up straight after this, not giving me any space for a response.

"What did she want?"

"She wants to see Lucy and I at facility 7. Right now."

Liam frowns, looking concerned. "What do you think it's for?"

"I don't know," I admit, feeling a knot form in my stomach. "But I think it has to do with what happened at the banquet."

"She doesn't know you were drugged, does she?" Lucy questions.

I shake my head. "No, she doesn't."

"We'll go back to the hotel. You can take the car." Zayn starts the engine.

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