fifty seven

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chapter fifty seven - would've could've should've

Lucy Caddel

It the midst of all the loud crowds and beaming music, I found myself admiring the man that helped bring me to this stage.

It wasn't just because of his pretty smile or entrancing eyes, but the fact that he was just so caring and considerate. Is that the bare minimum? Maybe. But Harry had been there for me from the beginning, even when he could've backed out. I looked up to how he maintained focus and stability, even in times of pressure.It wasn't hard to deny, I was actually falling. Very deeply. And it was scary.

It wasn't long before my thoughts were interrupted by the most unpleasant man in the room.

"Hey you two." Folan grinned at us. I felt Harry grip my hand tighter at the presence of him..

"Folan." Harry didn't look at him and he would have avoided that at all costs.

"Good to see you both made it back in time." He raised his eyebrows, it was clear he was searching for a reaction.

"I'm surprised you did too." Harry murmured.

"What was that, Edwards?"


"Always nothing, isn't it."

I frowned and spoke directly at Folan. "Did you need something?"

"Was wondering if I could speak to your Harry in private? I'll only be a minute." Folan flicked his dark eyes between me and Harry where no space stood in between. I was glued to his arm and I didn't want to leave it.

Harry glances at me for approval and I nod reluctantly. I loosened my grip on his hand and they disappeared to the bar. I was left on my own until I found Zayn or Liam. Which was now the priority.

I caught a glimpse of them on the opposite side of the room so I began to make my way over, which was quickly interrupted by a second dreaded person that I did not want to talk to tonight.

Bethany. Or Allison as we now name her.

"Lucy?" Her voice hits my ears and I spin around slowly to her standing with a surprised look written all over her face. I could have easily avoided this conversation if I just stayed with Harry.

Her dark brown hair was pulled back tightly into a bun which the light reflected off from all the product. Her dress was a pale blue and just reached her knee, accessorising with many silver colours.

"Hi Bethany." I forced my mouth to a smile.

"How have you been? We're missing you at work."

Sure you are.

"Yeah, I've been fine. I should be back next week hopefully."

"Great." She pauses. "What brings you to the banquet?"

"Same reason as you." I shrugged, playing with my necklace.

"Where'd you get that?" She changes the subject and points to my necklace as I traced my finger over it.

"It was given to me."

Her face pales with confusion. "Anyways, I have to go. See you next week."

I nod her off then continue where I was going originally. Zayn and Liam have moved now though.

"Hey." A voice comes from behind me once again. What's it gonna take to be left alone for five minutes. I really should have just stayed at the table with Zayn and Liam.

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