fifty nine

35 1 0

chapter fifty nine - complete mess

Lucy Caddel

As the night went on, Harry's grip on me was tighter but his breathing slowed. He fell into a deep sleep eventually which was relieving to see since I had always been asleep before him. I couldn't help but smile when I stroked his curls with my fingers. I felt now, I could finally return all the things he had done for me when I was unable to. I was his guard tonight.

The next 24 hours consisted of a lot of waiting and staying put. Harry had tests done to determine what was in his system that night. Zayn and Liam visited every so often to see how Harry was doing. We facetimed Niall and Louis via my laptop and basically just had a rest day.

Harry vomited twice as well which was obviously not ideal, but Zayn said it may be a reaction to whatever he drank. I brought him food and water and overall became his maid if you'd put it that way. I didn't mind though.

I hear three knocks at the door that shoot me awake from my light doze. Zayn, Liam and Harry went to the hospital again just across the road. Zayn insisted I stayed since they wouldn't be long. Harry didn't want to leave but he was too drowsy to argue, he practically got shoved out the door.

The three knocks were like the countdown on microwave while waiting for your food to heat up. You're absolutely starving, and it feels like it takes ten times longer than it actually is set to.

I opened the door and all three of them walked in. Harry's eyes looked less bloodshot than before so I'd say they gave him more drugs.

"So?" I sat down next to them in the kitchen, awaiting an answer.

Harry's been effected for almost 12 hours, but the symptoms don't seem to be passing as quick as they expected. That's why they prioritised his over others.

"There was xanax in his system. It's a sedation drug that can last from 12 hours to a few days."

"Xanax? Like the benzodiazepine?" My jaw fell open.

Liam nodded. "Yeah, do you know it?"

"After my drink got spiked that night at the club, I got a quick test done at the hospital. I completely forgot about it but I should've had it sent to me by email." I get up off the chair, almost tripping over my own feet. Retrieving my laptop from the room and running back out to see all three of them staring at me blankly.

I open my emails and search up the hospital name. Many emails come up, but only one is unread.

"When the hell-." Harry coughs. "When the hell did you go the hospital?"

"Don't get mad, but I ducked out when you were busy helping Zayn build something."

Zayn furrows his brows. "The desk in my room? That took us like half an hour."

I shrugged. "It was quiet at the hospital, I was lucky."

"Jesus, I can't believe you even made it back before we noticed. I thought you were taking a nap." Harry half smiled and rubbed his eyes.

"Anyways." I open up the email and press the attached file. "Here it is."

Zayn leans in and skims over the text. "Date... time... mainly traces of benzodiazepine xanax, also signs and symptoms of valium."

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