twenty nine

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chapter twenty nine - green eyes, red face

"Drawn to move
By the moon, by the moon...

...What am I supposed to do
With you in the room?
What am I supposed to say?
With your green eyes on my red face?"

Lucy Caddel

"Jesus, what happened?" Zayn came to our aid as soon as we walked through the door. It was about 11 pm now. Harry was limping with his arm slung around my neck for balance. Sweat rubbed off both of our foreheads and fabric was torn and dirtied by what had happened. Liam was here too, he came down the hallway and stared in shock.

"Did a right job of yourself this time, mate." Liam took Harry's arm off my shoulder and walked him to the kitchen stools. Zayn pulled out a medical kit and began cleaning up the blood on his face.

"I'm going to change clothes," I left the room, in Harry's black shirt. The collared button-up with the small blood stain on the shoulder. When I undid the buttons, it took me back to when he did them up for me. How we somehow found that peaceful situation while we were a mess.

I slipped off the shirt and it pooled at my feet. I only had my bra on but the clasp was rubbing against the scratch down my spine. The wound is tender and still throbbing. I was so scared in the moment, I didn't even feel it happen. But now, it aches and stings. I am too busy admiring the scratch indent that I am not phased by the knock at the door.

"Hey, did you need your-." Harry stops in his tracks and his eyes widen. "Sorry I didn't know you weren't-."

He had his sleeveless shirt on, the one from earlier. It was creased at his chest and abs with a rip at the hem. The shirt hugged his body, it was hard to not stare.

"Oh- I um... sorry." I quickly picked up a random black garment that was folded and covered myself. It took me a second to realize what it was. I tossed it on the floor with my cheeks going red. It was one of Harry's boxers.

He turns around and covers his eyes while I scavenge for any form of clothing, hearing him chuckle while I look. I eventually find my oversized Nickelback shirt and pull it over my head. I sucked my teeth as my wrist aches as well.

"Okay, you can turn around now." I cleared my throat and quickly shoved all the clothes I had thrown around, in a corner. The only thing I left were Harry's boxers which he walks in and picks up.

"Also don't worry, those were just washed. Zayn put them there." Harry laughed and chucked them into his small suitcase. I noticed the cut above his eye had been cleaned up and covered by a very thin bandage. The blood no longer stained his cheek but it was still a little red from when Zayn wiped it off.

"Oh shit, your wrist." Harry walks over and I lift it for him to see. The bandage is completely torn off now, it only holds on by a bit of the tape. Most of it got torn off inside the cabin. The bruising underneath was gross and purple. It was still swollen, the pain throbbed with the sensitiveness.

"I'll have to wrap it again," Harry leans down to his suitcase and pulls out a bandage roll. I sat quietly as he wrapped the wrist numerous times.

"Is this too tight?" He asks. I shake my head.

"How's your forehead?" I tried to look at the cut without being distracted by his gentle, green eyes that my cheeks reddened at the sight of.

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