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chapter nineteen - on repeat

Lucy Caddel

"Come on, wake up." Harry opened the blinds and the sun poured onto my face.

"Far out, what's the rush." I yawned and stretched.

"Well, Niall had the idea that we could go to the gun range today." He leaned against the window with his hands in his pants pockets. He had a white shirt on with a dark orange jumper tied around his neck loosely. His green eyes carefully traced the landscape outside.

"Really? I thought it was closed on the weekends." I sat up.

"It's open to members of the FBI all the time." He shrugged.

"Alright I'll get dressed then I'll be out, give me 10 minutes." I hopped up off the bed but Harry didn't move from the middle of the room.

"What are you doing, get out." I laughed.

He had a cheeky smile on his face. His mood today was quite cheery today considering what happened yesterday. I mean I was the same, I was still in a rush from what happened. I guess he was just mirroring that energy.

I push him gently with my hands as he stumbles out of the room laughing. I shut the door after him and pulled on the same clothes I had yesterday. I borrowed Zayn's washing machine and washed them overnight so they were dry by this morning. Light blue jeans, fitted beige jacket, and my vans.

I walk across the hall and quickly do my hair and teeth in the bathroom. I then headed down the hallway to Harry, Zayn, and Niall in the kitchen. Zayn's shoulder has a small bandage patch covering his wound.

"Morning." Niall and Zayn smiled at me, Harry was drinking some juice from the carton.

I look around the room confused as to where Liam and Louis went. Harry catches on. "Liam and Louis went back to the drag track to sort shit out after yesterday."

"Oh right, and how are you feeling Zayn?" I walked over to him as he leaned against the counter.

"Getting there, any sort of pressure hurts but that's expected." He forced a smile.

"Just rest up today." I smiled and rubbed his arm.

"Alright." Niall claps his hands. "Ready for the gun range, Luc?"

I nodded as we bid Zayn farewell and walked to the front door. Niall left it open behind him as he ran to the car like a little kid. We reached the car and Harry opened the passenger door for me.

"Thanks." I flicked him a little smile and he nodded. He then got in the driver's seat next to me, Niall in the back sitting on his phone playing some game. We reversed out of the park as Harry held one hand on the joystick and the other on the steering wheel, a grin across his face that showed his dimples. He noticed me admiring him and I looked away as fast as I could, trying to hide the smile that took over my mouth.

— —

An hour later.

Soon enough, we reached the gun range. There was no one here and the building was shut. We got out of the car and Niall unlocked the building door with his keys.

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