thirty two

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chapter thirty two - dusk till dawn

Lucy Caddel

"Harry!" I called out frantically

The gunshots and screams still ringing in my ears. I tried to get past the guards but they held me out.

"Ma'am, we cannot let you enter." His deep voice grumbles against my skin.

"Please." I pleaded, but they didn't budge. Zayn placed his hand on my shoulder and guided me away. We met up with Liam and followed the running flow of the crowd. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the guards being distracted by another stampede. I take this moment to barrel past them, voices behind me shout but I don't dare turn back. My heels make it difficult to run but I somehow manage to stay upright.

"Harry?" I call out, again.

I'm stopped by broken fragments on the floor. Shattered white glass which is in about half a dozen pieces. As I crouch down to examine the shards, a familiar feeling washes over me. I recognize the colors and shape of the glass - it's from the ceramic swan.

I try to gather all the pieces together, but they're scattered everywhere. My eyes dart around the room, in hopes I'd find Harry safe and okay. As I search the room, my heart races with fear and desperation. Suddenly, I hear a faint voice coming from behind a large wall.

"Over here." His stable voice sends a wave of relief over me.

I run to him. "Harry, oh my god I thought something happened to y-." I halt at Harry kneeling on the floor. Next to a body. I adjusted my unsteady focus, to take in what was in front of me. It's Arthur's body, lying still and pale. I was at a loss for words. My body froze and my breaths were shaky.

"He had that swan in his hands, I couldn't get to him in time." Harry still pressures his bloody hands on the gunshot wounds. His expression is more monotone than I thought it would be. He doesn't seem upset, or angry or even frustrated. Zayn did mention he couldn't deal with his emotions this well, maybe this was that?

"We need to get out of here." He rapidly jolts to his feet, leaving Arthur on the floor.

"W-What about-." His stare makes me stop. Sirens grow louder, they are getting closer. The wailing noise made this moment even more tense. I felt antsy and I hated it.

"He's gone, Lucy, there's nothing we can do now." Harry walks swiftly to the exit. I try to keep up and understand his perspective.

As we finally make it out of the room, the chaos is still evident. I stop at my smashed swan on the ground. Harry stops after me with his brows furrowed. I walk up to him and slip his white, decorative handkerchief from his blazer pocket. Unfolding it, I place each shard of the swan gently on the fabric. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asks, his tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I'm not leaving it here," I reply, my voice firm.

Harry watches me as I meticulously place each piece of the broken swan on his handkerchief. His brows furrow deeper as he tries to understand my actions. He slowly kneels next to me, his eyes never leaving the fragments.

"Lucy," he begins, his voice quiet. "I have what was in it." His words startled me, my eyes meeting with his. He pulls something out of his pocket. A note is all it is, cursive writing which I cannot read as tears are swelling in my eyes.

"C'mon, we need to get out of here." He takes the handkerchief with the shards inside and wraps it up, tucking it into his pocket. I get up after him and he guides me to a back exit door with his hand on my shoulder. Ambulances and police cars are rushing by, their lights creating a morbid feeling through the parking lot. The cold night air hits me as I take a sharp inhale.

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