A servant's worth - 6. The present (Finale)

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Merlin didn't understand what was happening. He had been sure, no, he had been certain that Gwen was going to be Arthur's destiny. He was sure that he had heard some of the druids say it. So, naturally, after Arthur clarified that he had no intention to pursue Gwen, let alone marry her, Merlin went to the clearing where he would meet the dragon.

Kilgharrah, as always, landed within twenty minutes of Merlin's call. "Young warlock, how may I help."

"Something is wrong." Merlin stared him down, daring him to make fun of him or speak out against him. "Arthur isn't in love with Gwen."

"It seems, that is the truth." The dragon lowered his body to lay down on the ground as regally as his mighty species demanded. Merlin wouldn't know this, but Kilgharrah had been hanging out in an open door tavern and played chess against Gwaine. Gwaine would remember this encounter but he had been so high that he thought the dragon was just part of his imagination. Truth is, Kilgharrah now owed Gwaine 200 golden coins.

Merlin, oblivious to Kilgharrah's personal life, began to pace. "This is a disaster! If Arthur doesn't marry her, then I don't know whom he is going to marry! Which means, I don't know what kind of person they are, which means they may be dangerous to Camelot! What I don't understand it, Gwen was his destiny! How come he'd just stop loving her? It was true love! I saw it!"

Kilgharrah watched him, way too hangover to actually bother. "Well, she isn't anymore."

Merlin stopped pacing and turned to him. "What do you mean? True love doesn't just... change!"

Kilgharrah sighed. "Young warlock, do you know how I know about your destiny?"

Merlin blinked. "You knew some kind of prophet?"

The dragon rolled his eyes. "I'm a plot device, Merlin."

"A what?"

"It's not important. Technically, I'm a prophet myself." The dragon lowered his long neck down to eye Merlin carefully. "I was always connected to this world in a way no other being was. But something has changed."

Merlin frowned. "Like what?"

"This world has been put in someone else's hand. Destiny has been changed."

Merlin's eyes widened. "What?"

The dragon sighed theatrically. "You are no longer Morgana's doom, young warlock. And Mordred is no longer Arthur's. I don't know why it was changed. I just know that it was. You have been freed from your destiny as well."

Merlin was frozen in his spot. "No... that can't... it doesn't make sense. You said destiny was unchangable! You TAUGHT me that!" Merlin's eyes were wide with confusion. "What does that even mean? I no longer have to protect Arthur?" He paused, a mild crisis growing on his features. "Everything I did...What was it all for?"

The dragon grimaced. "That, I do not know. But it doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

Merlin threw up his hands and resumed to pace again. "Not a bad thing? Not a bad thing! How is that NOT a bad thing? There was supposed to be a golden age! Magic is supposed to be free! Arthur is supposed to be... If that's no longer certain..."

The dragon blinked sadly. "Perhaps that is the point. Once upon a time, I told you that 'no man can know his destiny'. Have you never wondered why I would tell you yours?"

Merlin kept pacing, just waving at Kilgharrah to elaborate. He was shaking.

"Because the golden age was Arthur's destiny, not yours. Your destiny was meant to be a long one. You were meant to be immortal, doomed to wait for your king to return for the rest of your days. Only for another to take over and offer you the rest you would have craved for over a millenia. Just after you were given a glimpse of the new age."

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