𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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Allison's POV:

"Again more cases of these rabid humans attacking are coming across the globe as numbers keep increasing. Atlanta alone has seen over 3,000 cases in the last month as the National Guard is issuing all persons to stay inside, lock your doors and don't come in contact with these rabid humans."

As I turned the television off a deep breath came out that I was unaware that I was holding in. I looked over to a bag sitting on my table as I knew that I was t just going to stay here and die like a coward. I grabbed the bag heading to my room putting an extra pair of clothes in the bag along with some non perishable foods I had and attached the machete to my belt loop. I was going to keep packing when a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

I stepped out of my room grabbing the gun on the table as I went looking through the peephole to see a distressed Shane. I put the gun down and open the door. "What are you doing here Shane?" I asked concerned.

"Pack some things we're heading out of Atlanta but we need to get Lori and Carl as well on the way out." Shane explained pacing around d my apartment.

"What about my brother Shane? Where's Rick? Did you at least get him from the hospital?" I asked knowing that weeks before my older brother Rick had been shot and was in a coma.

Shane get me a saddened look. "I'm sorry Allison, I couldn't get him out of there. I was going to get him out of there but these Army guys." He paused as I could see his eyes darting back and forth. "They were shooting everyone. Doctors, Nurses and all staff members. Those rabid humans like on the news started getting anyone they could. I blocked his door so they wouldn't go in Allison." He explains before looking me in the eyes.

Being an undercover police officer I could see the truth as I nodded grabbing my bag from my room. I looked back at my surroundings as I took a deep breath returning to where Shane was. "Alright I'm ready let's go before it's too late." I said walking out of my apartment with Shane following me out to his jeep. She got in the passenger side putting her bag at her feet.

As Shane drove to Lori and Rick's house, I stayed inside the Jeep until I saw the trio running out of the house and into the Jeep. Shane sped through the streets not caring about the laws.

"Auntie Alli." Carl said me over the seat which made me smile.

"Hey buddy. Look at you. You look so grown up now." I said knowing the last time I saw both Lori and Carl was six months ago before my falling out with Rick.

"It's good to see you again Allison." Lori said as I turned back to see her avoiding my eye contact. I nodded turning back to the front watching the scenery go by.


Soon enough it has become night and traffic has completely stopped. I looked around seeing people getting out of their cars in which I decided to get out stretching my legs.

"Allison get back in the car." I heard Shane say with a stern voice.

"Calm down Shane. I will be right back, I'm gonna walk up ahead." I said as I looked back at him. "I don't need a babysitter. I can handle myself."

As I started walking, I could see a group of people looking at the horizon through some trees. I walked over seeing helicopters bombing Atlanta. I closed my eyes before opening them again.

It's not a dream. Dear God it's the end of the world.

I looked over seeing Shane holding Lori who at this point is crying into him. That's an interesting sight.

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