𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

21 1 0

TW: Smut

Allison's POV

As the next came along nothing too exciting was happening g. I was helping Deanna and Maggie set up everything for the party almost the whole day until I looked at the clock. Infirmary shift was about to be over. I looked back at the two women. "Are you guys good? I promised Rosita I would get ready with her for the party tonight."

"We're all good here. Go get ready." Deanna told me before I smiled saying goodbye to both of them before heading out the house.

I walked down the steps only to see Daryl waiting for me. "You got a minute?" He asked.

"Walk and talk Dixon." I tell him as I kept walking towards my house.

"About what I said. I don't know why I said it but I see now you are a lot stronger than I remember." He says walking with me before jogging in front of me to stop me. "You became more badass than I thought you could after I watched you beat a man to a pulp. It reminded me of when we were Atlanta and Sh-." He says before I interrupted him.

"Don't. Don't say his name. I know it was almost mirrored. Get to the point. What do you want from me?"

"Your forgiveness."

I got close to him almost kissing him. "If you want my forgiveness take a shower and come to the party tonight. Then I will give you my forgiveness and maybe something more." I whisper walking past him to my house seeing Rosita on the porch. She must've saw everything.

"Hey sorry I'm late. I got caught up with Daryl." I said walking into my house with her following me upstairs. "You can hang your clothes up in the other closet." I told her as I walked into my bedroom. I had bookshelves covering a whole wall of my room of books I had found or have been given. I also had a desk facing the window with a small amount of makeup in it.

"Wow you made this place really feel cozy." I heard Rosita say behind me. "You have makeup?" She asks shocked.

"Just a little bit. I found it one day while I was on a run in a shopping outlet. You can use it as well." I said taking it out of the drawer putting it on the desk.

"I would love to. Thanks. Let's get ready and talk about what I saw outside."

"Of course." I say as I handed her a compact mirror before I started to some light makeup. "What? Daryl and I? That was nothing."

"Yeah right. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you two have a thing."

"We did a long time ago." I say softly.

"Was it before you drew a herd away?"

"Yeah. Him and I were inseparable since the beginning. I guess my final goodbye to him was messed up but necessary. He saved me more times than I could count so in my mind I thought it was the best thing I could do to save him."

"When we first met up with him. He asked if there was an Allison at this place called Terminus. It seemed like after all this time he was still looking for you. Did he ever tell you that?"

"Surprisingly no but I believe it. When he got shot I was with him the whole time and when Carl got shot he stayed with me so I wouldn't break."

"Is it true you saved Rick's life?"

I chuckled. "Which time? Before or after the world went to shit?"

She laughed. "After the world went to shit."

"Yeah I did. I had to kill his best friend or else both Rick and I would be dead. Rick at the time didn't see it that way. Saw me as a murderer and wanted me gone. That's when I got the idea to run off the herd opposite way so I could do what he asked. Be gone and away from him as he wanted."

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