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Allison's POV

As morning g came around I woke up in a chair in Hershel's house. I looked down to see Daryl's head leaning on my leg as he slept. I smiled softly as I watched him a little bit. Before he woke up I see Rick walk in taking in the sight before I see the look he's giving. I've seen it before when he found out about Shane and I years ago.

I sighed. "Morning." I say softly. "How's Carl?" I asked.

"He's still out but Hershel says everything went good and he should be waking up some time today." Rick says with a smile. "Can I ask what this is?" He asked pointing to both Daryl and I.

"He won't leave my side since what happened with Shane. When Maggie and Jeremiah came to get us he tried to stop me but I didn't listen to him." I explain to him with a small chuckle.

He chuckles. "You never listened even while we grew up. Do you have feelings for him?" He asked curiously.

"I do but I won't let myself feel those feelings. Especially in this new world. I almost lost Carl yesterday, if I lost him or any of you I wouldn't know what to do with myself." I say looking down at Daryl. "I would probably never be this Allison that you know and love."

"I get it Alli but you deserve happiness." He says honestly.

"I'll find it someday. Just not now." I say looking at him.

I watched as Hershel and his girls walked out behind him. "We would like to do a service for Otis. It would help Patrica have some closure for him. For his sacrifice to your boy." Hershel says looking at us.

"We can do that. I will make sure we get some people to make a grave. We'll hold a service this afternoon." Rick says walking out of the house as the Greene family went into Carl's room to check on him.

I looked to see Daryl starting to wake up as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Morning Daryl."

He didn't say anything as he got up from his spot heading out of the house. I sighed getting up stretching my body from the uncomfortable position in the chair I slept in.

I walked outside seeing everyone doing something by their vehicles. I headed towards the group doing the grave as I walked up to Glenn. "Hey Glenn."

He turned looking at me. "Hey Allison. How's Carl doing" He asked.

"He's doing better. He should be waking up today. Do you guys need any help with the grave?" I asked.

"No I think we're okay. Daryl is going to go look for Sophia again today after the ceremony. Are you going with him?"

"I didn't even know he was going but yeah I'll go with him." I say as I watch Daryl walk towards the horse stables. "I'll catch you later." I said making my way to the horse stables.

I walked in seeing Daryl prepping a horse to ride out. "You heading out?" I asked.

"After the ceremony I'm heading out."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't want you to come." He says coldly.

I looked at him confused as I walked in front of him. "Why? What did I do to you?"

"I heard you this morning talking to Rick. You won't let your feelings get in the way."

"You heard that?"

"Shit Allison did you even consider my feelings as well?"


"No you didn't. You just thought about yourself!" He yelled as he threw the saddle past me as I didn't move seeing how close we were. Our eye contact was intense.

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