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Allison's POV

I watched as the barn lit on fire. "What is he doing" I asked myself as I watched some of the herd were attracted to the fire. The other half of the herd coming towards the house as I looked back seeing everyone had came out. "Someone kill the lights!" I whisper yelled watching Patrica go back inside turning all the lights off quickly.

"I'll get the guns." Andrea says running off.

"Maybe they're just passing like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn asks.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I do t know about. A herd that size would rip the house down." Daryl comments.

There was worried talking between the mothers as they started to look around for Carl running off into the house. I looked back to see Andrea had come back with the gun bag. She handed one to everyone including the Greene family.

"I got the number it's no use." Daryl says.

"You can go if you want." Hershel says.

"You gonna take them all on?"

"We have guns. We have cars."

"Kill as many as we can and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm." Andrea says.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"This is my farm. I'll die here." Hershel tells us.

"All right it's as good a night as any." Daryl says.

As all of us got in vehicles we all drove down towards the barn. I rode with Daryl as he parked both of us starting to shoot walkers in the head.

Daryl looked at Jimmy who was driving the RV. "Hey must've been Rick or Shane who started the fire maybe they're trying to get out back! Why don't you circle around? Go!" He yells to him.

We watched as Jimmy drove towards the barn. I felt Daryl start driving as I kept shooting but stopped as I could see the walkers break down the fence. I watched as he drove far enough way to watch the chaos.

All the cars driving away in different directions before I got off the motorcycle. "I can't stay with you." I say softly.

"You're staying with me A. I'm not letting you out of my sights." He says.

"You trust me?" I asked seeing him nod. I looked back to see Carol running towards us. I kiss him as my final goodbye. "Keep her safe." I whisper against his lips. "I'll draw them away."

I helped Carol on. "Wait aren't you coming?" She asks.

I smiled. "Keep him safe for me. I'll find you guys one day." I tell her as I watched the both of them ride off before running and firing my gun to draw the herd away.

I have to stay alive.

Rick's POV

After the farm, I drove Hershel and Carl back to the highway where we set up for Sophia. My mind was everywhere. Where's Lori? Who's alive? The death of Shane by my sister's hand. All of it happened so quickly. Jenner was right we were all infected. There's no hope for a cure. How do I tell everyone else?

After arriving at the spot the three of us got out walking I heard Carl run up next to me.

"Wait where's mom? Where's Aunt Alli? You said they would be here. We have to go back for them." He says.

"Carl-" I start before he interrupts me.

"No why are we running? What are you doing? It's mom and Aunt Alli. We need to get them and not be safe a mile away." Carl says clearly upset as he was raising his voice.

"You need to be quiet all right? Please." I whisper bending down to his height putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Please. It's mom and Aunt Alli. " Carl says softly as he obviously wants Lori and Allison with him.

I Ben down on a knee. "Look Carl listen-" I start but get interrupted with him saying no as he walked away.

I sighed as I stood up seeing that Hershel heard everything. I was starting to follow Carl when I heard Hershel.

"Rick. You've got to get your boy to safety. I'll wait here for my girls and the others. I know a few places. We'll meet up at one of them later. "

"Where? Where is safe? We're not splitting up." I tell him as we both held eye contact.

"Please keep your boy safe. I'll hide in one of the cars. If a walker gets me so be it. I've lost my farm. I've lost my wife and maybe my daughters."

"You don't know that. They'll be here."

"And you don't know that."

"You're a man of God. Have some faith."

"I can't profess to understand God's plan but Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something a little different in mind."

"We stick together." I say walking away from Hershel going off to find Carl.

After a couple hours we watched a lone walker pass by as we hid on the side of a car and let it walk by. We can't fire our guns or the herd would come right back. We watched through the windshield of the car as it kept walking not noticing us.

"I don't know how much longer we can stay here." Hershel whispers.

"I'm not leaving without mom and Aunt Alli." Carl whispers.

"So we're just gonna walk away? Not knowing if my wife and my sister along with your girls are still out there? How do we live with that? " I whispered to Hershel.

"You've only got one concern now— just one— keeping him alive. Nature may be throwing us a curveball but that law is still true." He whispers to me.

I couldn't leave my group behind. Especially my wife and little sister who hates me right now. I knew Hershel was right though. I bent down to Carl's height. "Carl. It's not safe here. I'm sorry. We'll-" I start before the rev of a motorcycle as I stood up seeing my group. My family.

I watched as Daryl and Carol approached first, then Glenn and Maggie, and finally T-Dog, Beth and Lori. I looked back at Hershel and see him smiled seeing everyone who survived. The three of us ran to the clearing as we watched everyone head to a clearing to park all the vehicles.

We all were reunited and I watched as my family was whole again. Except I didn't see Allison. Oh god she's dead.

"Where'd you find everyone?" I asked Daryl.

"Well those guys tail lights zigzagging all over the road—figured he had to be Asian driving like that." Daryl says looking over at Glenn.

Glenn chuckles. "Good one."

"Where's the rest of us?" Daryl asks.

"We're the only ones that made it so far." I told him.

I watched as Carol walked up to both Daryl and I. "Rick I need to talk about what happened with Allison."

I looked down. "Don't. I don't think I can handle it."

"Well we're going to tell you anyways." Daryl starts. "She told me she couldn't stay because you told her she couldn't. She got off my motorcycle as Carol ran up to us. She sacrificed herself and decided to draw the herd away from the interstate as best as she could." He says. "She's doing a hell of a job of it but we can't go back to get her. She told me to keep Carol, you, Lori and Carl safe." He finishes as I looked at him.

"Why would she do that?" I asked.

"I don't know. Must be a family thing." He says.

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