𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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Allison's POV

We all sat around as Negan cut the ropes of my hands as I rubbed them feeling relief. I rested my head on his shoulder as we both looked at Gabriel.

Negan and Gabriel fought earlier and it wasn't that eventful. Negan was messing with him of course and I had to tell him to knock it off. Gabriel was thankful for me.

We sat on opposite sides of the small trailer as the groans of the walkers could be heard all around us. Negan decided to start up a conversation with Gabriel.

"Your friend Rick is an asshole." Negan says.

"You're an asshole." Gabriel retorts.

We both chuckle. "Yeah. I am. But he's gonna get people killed." Negan tells him.

"By you." Gabriel says keeping his answers short.

"See I killed the widow's husband and the ginger. But I didn't get them killed. That was your boy Rick. Big difference." Negan pauses. "You know I saw you stop for that Gregory idiot. You were there. You saw the whole thing. You heard his little speech and how he put Allison in the line of fire. Shit she's pregnant and put her in danger. His own sister. Why would you stop for that bearded prick?" Negan asked.

"What I fear is a fruitless death." Gabriel says.

Negan chuckles. "Jesus Christ. You got to be kiddin' me. He split on your creepy little ass. The point of your life would be saving that dickhead?"

"That wouldn't be it." Gabriel says quietly. "There had to be some reason I did what I did." He says as he looked at us. "Maybe this is the reason."

"What?" Negan asks.

"I think—I'm here to take both of your confessions." Gabriel says.

"We can wait it out a little bit see if our people can figure something out. One thing that is sure as ass—if our people think we're dead—a lot of folks are gonna die in there." Negan says changing the topic.

"Why?" Gabriel asked.

"I don't have shit to confess. Except maybe the fact I rubbed one out right where you're sitting just to calm down a bit." Negan paused chuckling a little bit. "Let me ask you something. Why'd you become a priest?"

"I love God and I love people. I wanted to bring them together. To help people through their difficult times. To help them through their weaknesses." Gabriel tells him.

"Well look at that. That's our thing. We both like to help people through their weaknesses too. Been doing it one way or another our whole life." Negan says pointing to me.

"How do you two help people?" Gabriel asked.

"You want to know why people are gonna start dying in there? Because the both of us are not there to stop it." Negan tells him. He does his whistle that he always does.

"Allison? Do you have any say in this? Anything to confess to me?" He asked.

"I have nothing to confess Gabriel. I handle my business with the man upstairs privately." I tell him.

"Is that why they haunt you?" He asked.

"Leave it alone." I warned him. " I don't need to confess about anything."

It had been quiet between the three of us as on my the walkers growled. It seemed like hours but it must have been minutes before Gabriel spoke up again.

"You both helped the weak before this?" He asked.

"Kids. You don't show them the way, well they turn out like garbage. Little assholes become great big ones, so you show them the way. Adults they need it too—the government, laws, religion, guilt. People are weak. Hell Allison was an undercover cop. She saw all of it." Negan says.

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